Wednesday, January 11, 2012






[Currently Covers Entries 1 through 63, + 87 and 88]

655321 -- (prison number, Alexander de Large [Alex, 655321] (character) -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

A Brief History of Time (book) -- Stephen Hawking -- "The Hole …" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

A Clockwork Orange (excerpt) -- a film based on the book by Anthony Burgess -- "The True Christian" -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

A Moonlit Child -- after Charles Baudelaire -- "The Benefits of the Moon" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

A Philosophy of Labor (book) -- quoted -- Frank Tannenbaum -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

A Report on the Banality of Evil (book) -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

A Spiritual checklist from "Heavenly Way" -- Ni, Hua-Ching-- Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

A Surprisingly Casual Affair -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

A Toltec Wisdom Book -- "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Toltec wisdom -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

A. R. Heron (author) -- "Why Men Work" -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Abraham -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Abraham Lincoln -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

access, simultaneous -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Achumawi Indians -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Acquisitive Society, The (book) -- The Sane Society, by Erich Fromm, excerpts -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Acquisitive Society, The Sickness of an (book) -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Active vs. Passive Technology -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

add-on technology -- in electronics -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Address at the Final Session -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Administration, Works Progress -- "W.P.A. Blues" (song) -- Casey Bill Weldon -- Songs for …  -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Admiral Canaris -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Admiral Hyman G. Rickover -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Admonitions, The Ten -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Adolf Hitler -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Adolph Eichmann -- Got EVIL? -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

adult clothing -- "The Ritualization of Subordination" -- from "Gender Advertisements" by Erving Goffman -- (book excerpt) -- Entry 40 -- Oct. 20, 2011

Advaita (unity) -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Aesthetics -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Affair, A Surprisingly Casual -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

After, Ten Years (band) "I'd Love to Change the World" -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Afterlife -- see "This House is On Fire!" -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Age (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Age of Anxiety, The (chapter title) by Alan W. Watts -- "The Wisdom of Insecurity" -- Entry 22 -- October 18, 2011

Age of Righteousness -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Age of Show Business, Public Discourse in (subtitle of book) "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Age of the E-Book (digital files), the -- The Future of Libraries -- A National Public Radio report -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Agni -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

agnostics -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Agreement, Twenty-five Starting Positions for -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Agreements, The Four (book) by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Toltec wisdom -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

Ahura [Varuna] -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Ahura Mazda -- "The One God" -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Ahura-Mazda -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Alamogordo -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Alan Simpson -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Alan W. Watts -- "The Wisdom of Insecurity" (excerpts) -- Entry 22 -- October 18, 2011

Albert Einstein -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Albert Einstein -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Albert Einstein -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Albert Einstein (author) -- quoted -- "Why Socialism?" -- "The Sane Society"-- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Albert Schweitzer -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Albert Schweitzer (author) -- "The Philosophy of Civilization" -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Aldous Huxley -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Aldous Huxley (author) -- Brave New World -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Alex [Alexander de Large, prison number 655321] (character) -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Alex Quaison-Sackey -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Alexander de Large [Alex, prison number 655321] (character) -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Alexander the Great -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

All the President's Men (book) -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

All Things Considered (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

All-seeing One, The (as a name for God) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Alsos -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

American Library Association -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

American traveler, The -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" (Nazi Germany, 1936)  -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Amusing Ourselves to Death (book) by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

An Eschatological Laundry List by Sheldon B. Kopp -- Entry 23 -- October 18, 2011

Anaxagoras -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Anaximander -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Ancient Greece -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Ancient One, The -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Ancient Revelations -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Andrew Strominger -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Android phones -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

angels -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Angra Mainyu -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Anna Wierzbicka's --"What Did Jesus Mean?" (the meaning of "God") -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Annikadel (book) -- "The History of the Universe" -- Achumawi Indian tales -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Annikadel (deity/character) -- "The History of the Universe" -- Achumawi Indian tales -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Anointed One, The (messiah) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Anthony Burgess -- "A Clockwork Orange"(excerpt from the film based on the book) -- "The True Christian" -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Anti-communication -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

anti-Semitic sentiments -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

anti-Semitic sentiments -- (in Nazi Germany 1936) -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Anxiety, The Age of (chapter title) by Alan W. Watts -- "The Wisdom of Insecurity" -- Entry 22 -- October 18, 2011

Aphorism, the -- To Live is to Suffer -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Entry 31 -- October 19, 2011

App Phones -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Appearance (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Apple computers -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

archangels -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Arendt, Hannah -- "Got EVIL?" -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

Arhat -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Art -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Art -- To Live is to Suffer -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Entry 31 -- October 19, 2011

Art Garfunkel -- "Bleeker Street" -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Arthur Rimbaud -- The Time of the Assassins: A Study of Rimbaud (excerpt) -- by H. Miller -- Entry 20 -- October 17, 2011

artists -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Assassins: A Study of Rimbaud, The Time of the (excerpt) -- by Henry Miller -- Entry 20 -- October 17, 2011

Assimilation and Not Destruction -- Address at the Final Session -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Association, American Library -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Asura [Varuna] -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

atheists -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Athens -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Atom Bomb, The -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Atomic Bomb -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

Attica -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Aurelius, Marcus -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Auschwitz (concentration camp) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Average Man, The -- "The Revolt of …" by Jose Ortega y Gasset -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

Avesta (sacred scriptures) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

axioms, mathematical -- "Mathematics: …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32  -- October 19, 2011

axioms, mathematical -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

balance of terror -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Ballou, Robert O. (author) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" (essay) -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Banality of Evil, A Report on the (book) -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

banned books -- When books are outlawed -- "Fahrenheit 451" (excerpts) -- Ray Bradbury -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

Barry Schwartz -- Making Sense of Financial News -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

basing likelihoods on other likelihoods -- from "Logic" (excerpts) -- by Wilfrid Hodges -- Entry 25 -- October 18, 2011

Baudelaire, Charles -- "The Benefits of the Moon" [Number 37] -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

Beast, The (character) -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Beauties, Seven (film screenplay) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Beck, William F. -- BIBLE WELFARE and WARFARE in Deuteronomy -- Entry 5 -- October 13, 2011

Beethoven's Ninth Symphony -- soundtrack from "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Behold the Spirit (book) by Alan W. Watts -- "The Wisdom of Insecurity" -- Entry 22 -- October 18, 2011

Being, The Universal ("God") -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Belief, Unity in -- Swami Vivekananda -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Benefits of the Moon, The -- by Charles Baudelaire -- "A Moonlit Child" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

Benjamin Hoff -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Benjamin Spock -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Berkeley, George -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Bertrand Russell -- "Mathematics …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32  -- October 19, 2011

Bertrand Russell -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Bertrand Russell. The Autobiography of (book) -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Bhagavad Gita -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Bhagavad Gita -- Response to Welcome -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Bhagavad-Gita -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Bible -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

BIBLE WELFARE and WARFARE in Deuteronomy (14:22 to 15:19) -- Entry 5 -- October 13, 2011

Bible, The Hebrew -- "What Did Jesus Mean?" -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Bible, The Viking Portable Library World -- Robert O. Ballou (editor) -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Big Brother -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Big Fish, The -- from "Guiltiness", a song by Bob Marley -- Entry 8 -- October 14, 2011

bigotry -- Response to Welcome -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Bill Weldon, Casey -- "W.P.A. Blues" -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Billy Yank(stereotype) -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Bing, Stanley --"What Would Machiavelli Do? The Ends Justify..." -- Entry 13 -- October 17, 2011

bite-sized "news" -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Black, Hugo L. -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Blackberry -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Blakney, R. B. -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Blakney, R. B. -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Blakney, R. B. -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Bleeker Street (song) -- Simon and Garfunkel -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

bliss, children of immortal -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Blue and the Gray, The (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Blues, W.P.A. (song) -- Casey Bill Weldon -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Bob Marley -- "Corner Stone" (song) -- Entry 7 -- October 14, 2011

Bob Marley -- "Guiltiness" (song) -- Entry 8 -- October 14, 2011

Bob Toben -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Bodhisattva -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Bohr, Niels -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Bohr, Niels -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas …" (book) -- Entry 34 -- Oct. 19, 2011

Bohr, Niels Henrik David -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… " -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Bomb, The -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" -- Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Bomb, The -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

book -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

book -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- Achumawi Indian tales -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

book -- "Burmese Proverbs" by Hla Pe -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

book -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

book -- "Mein Kampf" (by Adolf Hitler) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

book -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

book -- "Schuld oder Verhangnis?" -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (original title, book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

book -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

book -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

book -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

book -- "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Toltec wisdom -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

book -- "The Viking Portable Library World Bible" -- Robert O. Ballou (editor) -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

book -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

book -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

book -- "What Took You So Long?" by Sheldon Kopp -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

book -- Brighter Than a Thousand Suns (book)  by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

book -- Law's Empire -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

book -- Stefan Zweig Presents the Living Thoughts of Tolstoy -- -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

book by Karl Bracher, et al. -- "The National Socialist Seizure of Power" -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

books -- Fahrenheit 451 (excerpts) -- Ray Bradbury -- (When books are outlawed) -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

books -- The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age (digital files) -- A National Public Radio report -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

books -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

books (printed) are dead -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

books --When books are outlawed -- "Fahrenheit 451" (excerpts) -- Ray Bradbury -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

books, temple of -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Bracher, Karl (et al.) -- "The National Socialist Seizure of Power" (book) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Bradbury, Ray -- "Fahrenheit 451" (excerpts) -- (When books are outlawed) -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

Brahman -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Brahmins -- Buddhism, The Fulfillment of Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Brave New World -- Aldous Huxley -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Brave New World (book) -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Brewster Kingman -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Brian Bruya -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Brian Bruya -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Brian Bruya -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Brief History of Time, A (book) -- Stephen Hawking -- "The Hole …" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Brighter Than a Thousand Suns (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Brodsky, Doctor (character) -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- "The True Christian" -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Brotherhood of Man -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Brotherhood, Universal -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Brown Shirts -- (in Nazi Germany 1936) -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Brown, Harrison -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Brown, Jeffrey -- David Pogue -- PBS Newshour -- Printed books are dead? --Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

brownie -- "Trouble Every Day" (song) -- Frank Zappa -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Bruner, Jerome -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Bruno Lawrence (actor) -- The Quiet Earth (soliloquy) -- Geoff Murphy -- Entry 2 -- October 12, 2011

Bruya, Brian -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Bruya, Brian -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Bruya, Brian -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Buddha, Gautama -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Buddha, The -- and Burmese Proverbs -- "The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes!" -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

BUDDHA…, IF YOU MEET THE -- Sheldon B. Kopp --  Entry 23 -- October 18, 2011

Buddhism -- The Mother of Religions -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Buddhism, [as] The Fulfillment of Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Buddhist Scriptures -- "This House is On Fire" -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Buddhist Scriptures (book) -- "This House is On Fire" -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Buddhist terms, glossary -- Buddhist Scriptures" -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Bundesrepublik (Germany) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Burden of Guilt, The -- by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Burgess, Anthony -- "A Clockwork Orange"(excerpt from the film based on the book) -- "The True Christian" -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Burmese Proverbs -- "The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes!" -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

Burmese Proverbs (book) by Hla Pe -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

burning books -- Fahrenheit 451 (excerpts) -- Ray Bradbury -- (When books are outlawed) -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

Bynner, Witter -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Bynner, Witter -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Bynner, Witter -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

cabalists -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Caesar, Julius -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

calculus -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

camcorders -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

cameras -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

camps, concentration -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Canaris, Admiral -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Candle and Tacks Experiment -- Paul Solman report, PBS Newshour -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Carnegie Corporation of New York -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Casey Bill Weldon -- "W.P.A. Blues" -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Casual Affair, A Surprisingly -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

caused and meaningful creations -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Caution (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Celeste Lyn Paul -- Open-Sourcers -- a Paul Solman report -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Chang Chung-yuan -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Chang Chung-yuan -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Chang Chung-yuan -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Change the World, I'd Love to  (song) -- Ten Years After -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

chaos -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Chapter #19, Dhammapada [a rewrite by Steven Henderson] -- Entry 24 -- October 18, 2011

Chapter #19, Dhammapada [a rewrite by Steven Henderson] -- Entry 24 -- October 18, 2011

character -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Charles A. Mackintosh -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Charles A. Mackintosh -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Charles A. Mackintosh -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Charles Baudelaire -- "The Benefits of the Moon" [Number 37] -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

Charles Seymour -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Chicago, Terminiello vs. -- The Right of the People -- William O. Douglas -- Entry 1 -- October 12, 2011

Child, A Moonlit -- after Charles Baudelaire -- "The Benefits of the Moon" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

Child, To be a -- Francis Thompson, English Poet, quotations -- Entry 3 -- October 12, 2011

childlike guises -- "The Ritualization of Subordination" -- from "Gender Advertisements" by Erving Goffman -- (book excerpt) -- Entry 40 -- Oct. 20, 2011

children of immortal bliss -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Children of Israel, The -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Child's Heart -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Christ -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Christ -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Christ -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Christ (messiah) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Christian Millenarians -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Christian, The True -- as conditioned/engineered in "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Christianity -- The Mother of Religions -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Christianity -- To Live is to Suffer -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Entry 31 -- October 19, 2011

Christianity of Christ-- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

Christopher Platt -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

christos (messiah) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Ch'u Ta-Kao -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Ch'u Ta-Kao -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Chung-yuan, Chang -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Chung-yuan, Chang -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Chung-yuan, Chang -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Cicero -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

citizen rights -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Civil War -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Civil War, The -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

civilization -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Civilization, The Human Problems of an Industrial (book) -- quoted -- Mayo -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Civilization, The Philosophy of -- Albert Schweitzer (author) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Clark, Ramsey -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Cleugh, James (translator) -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns"  -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Clockwork Orange, A (excerpt) -- a film based on the book by Anthony Burgess -- "The True Christian" -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

clothing (men's) -- "The Ritualization of Subordination" -- from "Gender Advertisements" by Erving Goffman -- (book excerpt) -- Entry 40 -- Oct. 20, 2011

clothing (women's) -- "The Ritualization of Subordination" -- from "Gender Advertisements" by Erving Goffman -- (book excerpt) -- Entry 40 -- Oct. 20, 2011

Cloud Maiden, The [Wa-low-tah] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

clowning through choice of clothing -- "The Ritualization of Subordination" -- from "Gender Advertisements" by Erving Goffman -- Entry 40 -- Oct. 20, 2011

Club, Twentieth Century -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Code, The Cosmic: Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature  (book) -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Cognition -- a Princeton journal -- "On the Unusual Formatting" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

Cognition, Theory of -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Cola Parker -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Cole, K. C. -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

collective determinism -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Coming of the Masses, The -- Jose Ortega y Gasset, from "The Revolt..." -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

Commerce (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Common Good, For the, from "The Quiet Earth", Geoff Murphy -- Entry 2 -- October 12, 2011

Complaints About God -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

complementarity -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Complex-conjugated Self, The -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

concentration camps -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Concentration, Transic -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Conceptual Analysis, Lexicography and (book) -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Conchubar, the Red Branch king (character) -- "Cuchulain...", after W. B. Yeats -- Entry 17 -- October 17, 2011

Condition, The Human (book) -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

conditioned/conditioning -- "The True Christian" -- "A Clockwork Orange" (screenplay excerpt, based on the book by A. Burgess) -- Entry 39 -- Oct. 20, 2011

Conduct of Life, The -- Lewis Mumford -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Confederacy, The -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Confession, My -- Leo Nikolayevitch Tolstoy -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Conflict (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Confucius -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Conlai (character) -- "Cuchulain Against the Tide", after W. B. Yeats -- Entry 17 -- October 17, 2011

Conner Diemand-Yauman -- "Fortune Favors the Bold …" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

conscience -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

conscious moments, life as a series of punctuated -- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf -- Entry 34 -- October 19, 2011

Considered, All Things (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Constitution, U. S. -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

consumer psychology -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Consumer Technology -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Contemporary Quotations, Simpson's (book) by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Content Providers -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

continuity -- as a problem in mathematics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

continuous and infinite sequences -- as problems in mathematics -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

continuous motion -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book …" -- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf -- Entry 34 -- October 19, 2011

Controller (electronic) -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

conventional acts and ideas -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Conze, Edward -- translator -- "Buddhist Scriptures" -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Corner Stone, a song by Bob Marley -- Entry 7 -- October 14, 2011

Cornerstone, a song by Bob Marley -- Entry 7 -- October 14, 2011

correspondence principle -- Niels Bohr -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas …" (book) -- Entry 34 -- Oct. 19, 2011

Cosmic Code, The: Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature (book) -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

counter-creation, of evil -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Country, My (song) -- New Model Army -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Court, The U.S. Supreme -- The Right of the People -- William O. Douglas -- Entry 1 -- October 12, 2011

Craig, Gordon A. -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

creation, the -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Creativity in the Workplace, Money DOES NOT Insure -- Paul Solman-- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Crime (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Crying Need of India, Religion [is] Not the -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Cuchulain Against the Tide, after W. B. Yeats' -- "Cuchulain's Fight..." -- Entry 17 -- October 17, 2011

Cuchulain's Fight With the Sea (used as source), by W. B. Yeats -- Entry 17 -- October 17, 2011

Custom (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

cutting edge, the -- in electronics -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

D. C. Lau -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

D. C. Lau -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

D. C. Lau -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

daevas -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Daily Mail Reporter -- "On the Unusual Formatting" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

Daily Mail Reporter -- on ugly fonts -- "On the Unusual Formatting" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

Dan Pink -- "A Whole New Mind" -- PBS Newshour -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Dan Pink -- "Drive" -- PBS Newshour -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Danger of the Mass Man, The -- "The Revolt of …" by Jose Ortega y Gasset -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

Daniel M. Oppenheimer -- "Fortune Favors the Bold …" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

David Frost -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Printed books are dead? -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

David, House of -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Day of Judgment -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Day, Trouble Every (song) -- Frank Zappa -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

de Large, Alexander [Alex, prison number 655321] (character) -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Death (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

death and misery, freedom from (mukti) -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Death, Amusing Ourselves to (book) by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Death, I am become (quote) -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

DeLeon, Thomas -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Deliverer, The (messiah) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Delphi, The Oracle of -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Deltoid (Truant Officer, character) -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

demons -- Response to Welcome -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

demonstrable logic -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Depression Era -- "W.P.A. Blues" (song) -- Casey Bill Weldon -- Songs for …  -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Desai, Mahadev -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Desai, Mahadev -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Destruction, Assimilation and Not -- Address at the Final Session -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

determinism -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Deuteronomy (14:22 to 15:19) -- WELFARE and WARFARE -- from the Bible -- Entry 5 -- October 13, 2011

Devil -- Satan [Mara] -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Devil, The (character) -- "Man and Superman" -- by G. B. Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Dhammapada, Chapter #19 [a rewrite by Steven Henderson] -- Entry 24 -- October 18, 2011

Dhammapada, the -- and Burmese Proverbs -- "The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes!" -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

Dharma -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

dharmas -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Diagnoses, Various Other -- The Sane Society, by Erich Fromm, excerpts -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Diary of Desai, Mahadev -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Diary of Dr. Michihiko Hachiya (book) by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

Diary of Mahadev Desai, -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Diary, Hiroshima (book) by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

dice, the God who plays -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Diemand-Yauman, Conner -- "Fortune Favors the Bold …" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

digital access -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

digital community -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

digital files (E-Books) -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Disagree, Why We -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

discontinuous atomic transactions -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas …" (book) -- Entry 34 -- Oct. 19, 2011

disinformation -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

disinformation -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

disorder, Man in -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Dispositions, The Five -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Dissension, Harmony and Peace and Not -- Address at the Final Session -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Doctor Branom (character) -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- "The True Christian" -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Doctor Brodsky (character) -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- "The True Christian" -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Does God Exist? (book by Hans Kung) -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Dole, Nathan Haskell (translator) -- Stefan Zweig Presents the Living Thoughts of Tolstoy -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Don Juan (character) -- "Man and Superman" -- by G. B. Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Don Miguel Ruiz (author) -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

Douglas Southall Freeman -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Douglas, William O. -- "Right of the People" -- Entry 1 -- October 12, 2011

Douglas, William O. -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Douglass, Frederick -- from "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

Dr. Branom (character) -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- "The True Christian" -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Dr. Brodsky (character) -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- Entry 39 -- "The True Christian" -- October 20, 2011

Dreams and Nightmares, Mathematics (book) -- Bertrand Russell -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Dress (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Drink (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Drive (book title) -- Dan Pink -- PBS Newshour -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

druids (characters)  -- "Cuchulain Against the Tide", after W. B. Yeats -- Entry 17 -- October 17, 2011

drunkenness -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Duncan, Ronald -- M. Weston-Smith -- "The Encyclopaedia of Ignorance" -- Entry 14 -- October 17, 2011

Durkheim (author) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Dwight D. Eisenhower -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Dworkin, Ronald D. -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Eagle Woman, The [Lo-we'-chah] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Earl Puckett -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

E-Book Age, The (digital files) -- The Future of Libraries -- A National Public Radio report -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

E-book readers -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

E-books (digital files) -- The Future of Libraries -- A National Public Radio report -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

economic "miracle" of Nazi Germany, the -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Economic Free-Fall, Songs for -- "My Country" "Bleeker Street", etc. -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Edelman, Marian Wright -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Edith Hamilton -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Editorial Preface -- The Encyclopaedia of Ignorance, Ronald Duncan, M. Weston-Smith -- Entry 14 -- October 17, 2011

Edward Conze -- translator -- "Buddhist Scriptures" -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Edwin O. Reischauer -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

ego, human -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Eichmann in Jerusalem (book) -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

Eichmann, Adolph -- Got EVIL? -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

Eight Track Tapes -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Einstein, Albert -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Einstein, Albert -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Einstein, Albert -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Einstein, Albert (author) -- quoted -- "Why Socialism?" -- "The Sane Society"-- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Eisenhower, Dwight D. -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

electronic eavesdropping -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

electronic gadgets -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Eli Neiburger -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Elton Mayo (author) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

E-mail -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Emer (character) -- "Cuchulain Against the Tide", after W. B. Yeats -- Entry 17 -- October 17, 2011

emerald-blue -- after Charles Baudelaire -- "A Moonlit Child" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

Empedocles -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Emperor's New Clothes, The -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

empirical questions -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

empirical questions -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… " -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Encyclopaedia of Ignorance, R. Duncan, Miranda Weston-Smith -- Entry 14 -- October 17, 2011

Enemy, the -- "My Country" (song) -- New Model Army -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

engineered (socially) -- "The True Christian" -- "A Clockwork Orange" (screenplay excerpt, based on the book by A. Burgess) -- Entry 39 -- Oct. 20, 2011

English Proverbs, Selected (part 1 of 3) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

English Proverbs, Selected (part 2 of 3) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

English Proverbs, Selected (part 3 of 3) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

English, Jane -- and Gia-Fu Feng -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

English, Jane -- and Gia-Fu Feng -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

English, Jane -- and Gia-Fu Feng -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Enrico Fermi -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Enterprise (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Epictetus -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Epicurus -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Erich Fromm -- "The Sane Society", excerpts -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Erikka B. Vaughan -- "Fortune Favors the Bold …" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

Ernest A. Jones -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Erving Goffman -- "Gender Advertisements" (book excerpt) -- Entry 40 -- October 20, 2011

Eschatological Laundry List, An -- by Sheldon B. Kopp -- Entry 23 -- October 18, 2011

Eschatological Laundry List, An -- by Sheldon B. Kopp -- Entry 23 -- October 18, 2011

essay -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours"  -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi  -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Essential Gandhi, The: His Life, Work, and Ideas -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Eternal Truths? -- "An Eschatological Laundry List", by Sheldon B. Kopp -- Entry 23 -- October 18, 2011

Ethics -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Euclid -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Euclid's Elements -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Euclid's geometry -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Euripedes -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

evanescent increments -- as problems in mathematics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Every Day, Trouble (song) -- Frank Zappa -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Everyone keeps saying -- printed books are dead -- David Pogue -- NY Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Unknown -- (book) R. Duncan, M. Weston-Smith -- Entry 14 -- Oct 17, 2011

Evil, A Report on the Banality of (book) -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

Evil, The Root of All -- Pink Floyd -- "Money" (song) -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

evolution of Man, the -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Evolution, The Psychology of Man's Possible -- P. D. Ouspensky -- "Man is a Machine" -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

evolutionists -- Why We Disagree -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Excess (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Exodus 3:14 -- "I AM WHO I AM" -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Experiment with Candle and Tacks -- Paul Solman report, PBS Newshour -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Expiration of Man, The -- The Mother of Religions -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Explanation of the Unexplainable, Space-Time and Beyond: Toward an (book) -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Faber (character, Guy Montag's friend) -- Fahrenheit 451 (excerpts) -- Bradbury -- (When books are outlawed) -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

Fahrenheit 451 (excerpts) -- Ray Bradbury -- (When books are outlawed) -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

false christianity -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

false intellectual reasoning -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Family (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

fanaticism -- Response to Welcome -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Father in Heaven ("God") -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

FDR  Franklin Delano Roosevelt -- "W.P.A. Blues" (song) -- Casey Bill Weldon -- Songs for …  -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Felix Frankfurter -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Feng, Gia-Fu -- and Jane English -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Feng, Gia-Fu -- and Jane English -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Feng, Gia-Fu -- and Jane English -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Fermi, Enrico -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Fibonacci -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Fight, Help and Not -- Address at the Final Session -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

film -- "A Clockwork Orange" (screenplay excerpt) -- based on the book by Anthony Burgess -- "The True Christian" -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

film -- "Seven Beauties" (screenplay)  by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

film -- "The Quiet Earth" (soliloquy) -- Geoff Murphy -- Entry 2 -- October 12, 2011

final resurrection, The -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Final Session, Address at the -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Final Solution, The -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Financial News, Making Sense of -- PBS Newshour -- Paul Solman-- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Firemen (of the future) -- Fahrenheit 451 (excerpts) -- R. Bradbury -- (When books are outlawed) -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

First Amendment -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

First Amendment -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

first humans, the -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Fischer, Louis -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Five Dispositions, The -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Five Skandhas, The -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Floyd, Pink -- Money (song) -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Folly -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Folly (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Food (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Fools -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Fools (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

For the Common Good, from "The Quiet Earth", film, 1985, Geoff Murphy -- Entry 2 -- October 12, 2011

Formatting, On the Unusual -- "Why ugly fonts and messy handwriting …" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

Fortune Favors the Bold -- "On the Unusual Formatting" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

Four Agreements, The (book) by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Toltec wisdom -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

Four Grounds of Self Confidence, The -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Four Outflows, The -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Fox-man, The Silver [Kwahn] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Francesco (character) -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Francis Thompson -- "To be a child" -- Entry 3 -- October 12, 2011

Francois Truffaut -- film director of "Fahrenheit 451" (this excerpt is from Bradbury's novel) -- (When books are outlawed) -- Entry 38 -- Oct. 20, 2011

Frank Snepp -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Frank Tannenbaum (author) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Frank Zappa -- "Trouble Coming …" -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Frankfurter, Felix -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Franklin Delano Roosevelt -- "W.P.A. Blues" (song) -- Casey Bill Weldon -- Songs for …  -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Fred Alan Wolf -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas: Where Science Meets Spirit" (book) -- Entry 34 -- Oct. 19, 2011

Fred Alan Wolf -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Frederick Douglass -- from "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

Free Will -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Freedom and Rights, Quotations on -- selected from "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

freedom from death and misery (mukti) -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Free-Fall, Songs for Economic -- "My Country" "Bleeker Street", etc. -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Freeman, Douglas Southall -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Freke, Timothy (author) -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Friedrich Nietzsche -- To Live is to Suffer --  "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Friedrich Nietzsche -- To Live is to Suffer -- Entry 31 -- October 19, 2011

Friends (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Friendship (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

frog from the sea, the -- Why We Disagree -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

frog from the well, the -- Why We Disagree -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

From Germany (Nazi Germany -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

From Germany (Nazi Germany 1936) -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

From Nazi Germany -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

From Nazi Germany, 1936 -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Fromm, Erich -- "The Sane Society", excerpts -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Frost, David -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Frost, Robert -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Fulbright, J. William -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Fulfillment of Hinduism, Buddhism the -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

fundamental theorems -- as a problem in mathematics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Future as "heresy", the -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Future of Libraries, The -- NEWS -- A National Public Radio report -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

G. B. Shaw -- "Man and Superman" (excerpts) -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

G. B. Shaw -- "Maxims for Revolutionists" (excerpts) -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

G. B. Shaw -- "The Revolutionist's Handbook" (excerpts) -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

gadgets, electronic -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (1869-1948) -- "The Essential Gandhi" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Gandhi, The Essential: His Life, Work, and Ideas -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Gandy, Peter (author) --"The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Garfunkel, Art -- "Bleeker Street" -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Gasset, Jose Ortega y -- "The Coming of the Masses" (excerpts) -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

Gasset, Jose Ortega y -- "The Revolt of the Masses" (excerpts) -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

Gathas (17 psalms from the sacred scriptures) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Gautama Buddha -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Gender Advertisements by Erving Goffman -- (book excerpt) -- Entry 40 -- October 20, 2011

General Erwin Rommel -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

General Farrell -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

General Grove -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

General Robert E. Lee -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

General Ulysses S. Grant -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Geoff Murphy -- "The Quiet Earth" (soliloquy) -- Entry 2 -- October 12, 2011

George Berkeley -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

George Bernard Shaw -- "Man and Superman" (excerpts) -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

George Bernard Shaw -- "Maxims for Revolutionists" (excerpts) -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

George Bernard Shaw -- "The Revolutionist's Handbook" (excerpts) -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

George Orwell -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

German Tourist Information Office (1936) -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Germany, Nazi -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Germany, Nazi (1936) -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Gerry Spence -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Ghosts of departed Quantities -- as problems in mathematics -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Gia-Fu Feng -- and Jane English -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Gia-Fu Feng -- and Jane English -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Gia-Fu Feng -- and Jane English -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Giancarlo Giannini (actor) -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Giannini, Giancarlo (actor) -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Gita, Bhagavad -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Gita, Bhagavad -- Response to Welcome -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Global Positioning System (GPS) -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Glossary of Buddhist terms -- "Buddhist Scriptures" -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Glucksberg, Sam -- Making Sense of Financial News -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Gnosis -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

gnosis -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

God -- "Does God Exist?"  (book by Hans Kung) -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

God -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

God -- "The Universal Being" -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

God -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

God -- "What Took You So Long?" by Sheldon Kopp -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

God -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

God (the white man's God) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

God who plays dice, the -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

God, Kingdom of -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

God, Love of -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

God, The Place where Man becomes -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

God: Complaints About -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Godwin, Mills E. -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Goebbels, Paul Joseph -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Goffman, Erving -- "Gender Advertisements" (book excerpt) -- Entry 40 -- October 20, 2011

Good Mind Within Us, The Toiling (offspring of Ahura Mazda) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Good Spirit, Lord of the (as a name for God) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Good, For the Common -- The Quiet Earth (soliloquy) -- Geoff Murphy -- Entry 2 -- October 12, 2011

goose-stepping -- (in Nazi Germany 1936) -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Gordon A. Craig -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Got EVIL? -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

Goudsmit, Sam (scientist) -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

GPS -- Global Positioning System --David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Grant, General Ulysses S. -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Great Man, the -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Great Society, The -- "Trouble Every Day" (song) -- Frank Zappa -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Greece, polytheistic -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Gregorian, Vartan -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Grief (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Grounds of Self Confidence, The Four -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Guidelines for believers from the Bible -- WELFARE and WARFARE -- Entry 5 -- October 13, 2011

guilt (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Guilt, The Burden of -- by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

guiltiness (1933 - 1945) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Guiltiness, a song by Bob Marley -- Entry 8 -- October 14, 2011

Guy Montag -- Fahrenheit 451 (excerpts) -- Ray Bradbury -- (When books are outlawed) -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

H. G. Oswald -- and Richard Wilhelm -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

H. G. Oswald -- and Richard Wilhelm -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

H. G. Oswald -- and Richard Wilhelm -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Hachiya, Michihiko (author) "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

Haile Selassie -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

ha-mashiah (messiah) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Hamilton, Edith -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Handbook, The Revolutionist's (excerpts), by George Bernard Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Hannah Arendt -- "Got EVIL?" -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

Hannah Vogt (author) -- "The Burden of Guilt", 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Hans Kung -- "Does God Exist?" (book) -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Happiness (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Harmony and Peace and Not Dissension -- Address at the Final Session -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Harper Collins (publisher) -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Harrison Brown -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Hart Merriam, C.(recorder) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" --- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Hasidim -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Hawking, Stephen -- A Brief History of Time (book) -- "The Hole …" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Healing One, The (as a name for God) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Health (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Heart, Child's -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Hearts, King of -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas …" (book) -- Entry 34 -- Oct. 19, 2011

Heaven -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Heaven, Father in ("God") -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Heavenly Way -- "The Union of Tao and Universe " -- a spiritual checklist -- - Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

Heavenly Way: The Union of Tao and Universe -- Ni, Hua-Ching-- Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

Hebrew Bible, The -- "What Did Jesus Mean?" -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Hebrews -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Heinz R. Pagels -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Heinz R. Pagels -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… " -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Heinz R. Pagels -- "Twenty-five…" -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… " -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Hell -- "The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes!" -- Burmese Proverbs -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

Hell -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Help and Not Fight -- Address at the Final Session -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Henderson, Steven -- Chapter #19 -- of the Dhammapada -- [a rewrite] -- Entry 24 -- October 18, 2011

Henry Miller -- "The Time of the Assassins: A Study of Rimbaud" (excerpt) -- Entry 20 -- October 17, 2011

Henry Steele Commager -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Heraclitus -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Herbert Strauss (translator) "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

heresies, mystical -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Heresy of the Future, The -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Heretical Views, The  (sixty-two) -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Hermes Trismegistus -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Heron, A. R. (author) -- "Why Men Work" -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

heterostatic minority -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book …" -- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf -- Entry 34 -- October 19, 2011

hidden realities -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book …" -- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf -- Entry 34 -- October 19, 2011

Hilde, "The Beast" (character) -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Hinduism, Buddhism, the Fulfillment of -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Hinduism, Paper on -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Hindus -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Hiroshima -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Hiroshima Communications Hospital -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

Hiroshima Diary (book) by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

Hiroshima, Prefecture of -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

His Inner Self, Tolstoy's Way to -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Historical Jesus, The  (book) -- A. Merz and G. Theissen -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

History of the Universe, The -- Achumawi Indian tales -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

History of Time, A Brief (book) -- Stephen Hawking -- "The Hole …" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

History of Western Philosophy (book) -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Hitler, Adolf -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Hla Pe (author) -- "Burmese Proverbs" -- "The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes!" -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

Hobson, Zac (character) -- The Quiet Earth (soliloquy) -- Geoff Murphy -- Entry 2 -- October 12, 2011

Hodges, Wilfrid -- "Logic" (excerpts) -- Entry 25 -- October 18, 2011

Hoff, Benjamin -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Hole in the Universe, The (book) K. C. Cole -- "-- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

holographic projection from a lower, simpler dimension -- "The Hole …" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Holy Ghost -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Holy Torah, The -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

homeostatic majority -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book …" -- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf -- Entry 34 -- October 19, 2011

Horst Wessel (song) -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" (Nazi Germany, 1936)  -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

House is on Fire, This -- "Buddhist Scriptures -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

House of David -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

How to Enjoy Jail -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

How-tsieh -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Hua-Ching Ni (translator) -- "Heavenly Way" -- "Sickness" -- a spiritual checklist -- - Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

Hugo L. Black -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Hulse, Leslie -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Hulsey, William [Istet Woiche] (author) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" --- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Human Characteristics -- and Burmese Proverbs -- "The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes!" -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

Human Condition, The (book) -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

human ego -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Human Mind, The -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Human Nature vs. Technology -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization, The (book) -- quoted -- Mayo -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

humans, the first -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Huxley, Aldous -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Huxley, Aldous (author) -- Brave New World -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

hyper-democracy -- "The Revolt of the Masses" -- by Jose Ortega y Gasset -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

hypocrisy -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

I am become Death (quote) -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

I AM WHO I AM -- Exodus 3:14 -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

I'd Love to Change the World (song) -- Ten Years After -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Identity, The Supreme (book) by Alan W. Watts -- "The Wisdom of Insecurity" -- Entry 22 -- October 18, 2011

Idle Rich Class, Member of (character) -- "The Revolutionist's Handbook" -- Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

IF YOU MEET THE BUDDHA ON THE ROAD, KILL HIM! (excerpt) S. B. Kopp -- Entry 23 -- October 18, 2011

Ignorance, Encyclopaedia of, R. Duncan, Miranda Weston-Smith -- Entry 14 -- October 17, 2011

illusion, principle of -- Niels Bohr -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas …" (book) -- Entry 34 -- Oct. 19, 2011

Illusion, Progress an -- "The Revolutionist's Handbook" -- Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Immanuel Kant -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

immortal bliss, children of -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

important men, the -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

In His Own Words -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

incommensurables -- as problems in mathematics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

indeterminate universe -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

India -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

India, Religion [is] Not the Crying Need of -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

India, Young (publication) -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Indians, Achumawi -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

individuality as "prison" -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

individuality, infinite universal -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Indo-European peoples, The -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Indra -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Industrial Civilization, The Human Problems of an (book) -- quoted -- Mayo -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

infinite universal individuality-- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Infinite, The -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

infinitesimal calculus -- as a problem in mathematics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

infinitesimal, the -- as a problem in mathematics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

infinity -- as a problem in mathematics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Influence of the Vedanta, The Spirit and -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

injustice -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Inner Self, Tolstoy's Way to His -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Insecurity, The Wisdom of (excerpts) -- by Alan W. Watts -- Entry 22 -- October 18, 2011

Inspiration of Man, The -- as opposed to "Expiration" -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Intelligent Traveler, The -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" (Nazi Germany, 1936)  -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

interactivity -- in electronics -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

intermediaries between God and Man -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Internet on TV -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

intrinsic definitions -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

intrinsic definitions -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

investigation (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

iPhone -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

iPod -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

iPod "killers" -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

irrational numbers -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Is Anything Random? -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… " -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Is Anything Random? -- "Twenty-five…" -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… " -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Isaiah (the prophet of God) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Islam -- The Mother of Religions -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Israel -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Istet Woiche [William Hulsey] (author) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" --- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

it rains -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

J. M. E. McTaggart -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Jackson, Stonewall -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Jail, How to Enjoy -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Jains, the -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

James B. Simpson (author) -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

James Cleugh (translator) -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns"  -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Jane English -- and Gia-Fu Feng -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Jane English -- and Gia-Fu Feng -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Jane English -- and Gia-Fu Feng -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Japan -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

Japanese Communications Ministry -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

Jeffrey Brown -- David Pogue -- PBS Newshour -- Printed books are dead? --Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Jeffries, Zay -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Jehovah -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Jehovah -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Jerome Bruner -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Jerusalem -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Jerusalem, Eichmann in (book) -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

Jesus -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

Jesus -- "The Historical Jesus" (book) -- by A. Merz and G. Theissen -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Jesus -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Jesus -- "What Did Jesus Mean?" -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Jesus and Vassula, True Life in God: Prayers of -- "Lamentation" a prayer -- Entry 4 -- October 12, 2011

Jewish Quotations, Treasury of -- (book) by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Jews in Nazi Germany, treatment of (1933 - 1945) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Jews in Nazi Germany, treatment of (1936) -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Jews of the Dispersion -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Jews, Malabar -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Jews, The -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

John A. Simpson (physicist) -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

John C. H. Wu -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

John C. H. Wu -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

John C. H. Wu -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

John Murray (publisher) -- Burmese Proverbs -- "The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes!" -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

John Paul Stevens -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

John Tanner (character) -- "Man and Superman" -- by G. B. Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

John Yodsnukis -- Open-Sourcers -- a Paul Solman report -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Johnny Reb (stereotype) -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Jon Newman -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Jonah Lehrer -- blog -- ugly fonts -- "On the Unusual Formatting" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

Jones, Ernest A. -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Jose Ortega y Gasset -- "The Coming of the Masses" (excerpts) -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

Jose Ortega y Gasset -- "The Revolt of the Masses" (excerpts) -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

Juan Maldecena -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Juan, Don (character) -- "Man and Superman" -- by G. B. Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Judaism -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Judeo-Christianity -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Judgment Day -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Julius Caesar -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Jungk, Robert (author) -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns"  -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

justice -- "My Country" (song) -- New Model Army -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Justice (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Justify the Meanness, The Ends -- "What Would Machiavelli Do?" by Stanley Bing -- Entry 13 -- October 17, 2011

K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Kant, Immanuel -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Karamchand Gandhi, Mohandas (1869-1948) -- "The Essential Gandhi" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Karl Bracher, et al. -- "The National Socialist Seizure of Power" (book) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Kindle (E-Books, digital files) -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Kinds of Knowledge, The Three -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

King David -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

King of Hearts -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas …" (book) -- Entry 34 -- Oct. 19, 2011

King, Jr., Martin Luther -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Kingdom of God -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Kingdom of God, The -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Kingman Brewster -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Know?, What Do I -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Knowledge -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Knowledge (as a name for God) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Knowledge (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Knowledge, The Three kinds of -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Knystautas, Serge -- Open-Sourcers -- Paul Solman report -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Kommandants -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Kopp, Sheldon (psychotherapist/author) -- "What Took You So Long?" -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

Kopp, Sheldon B. -- "IF YOU MEET THE BUDDHA ON THE ROAD, KILL HIM!" -- Entry 23 -- October 18, 2011

Krishna -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Kubrick, Stanley [film director] -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Kung, Hans -- "Does God Exist?" (book)  -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Kwahn [The Silver Fox-man] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Kyoto -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Labor, A Philosophy of (book) -- quoted -- Frank Tannenbaum -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Lamentation -- a prayer by Vassula Ryden, 1992 -- Entry 4 -- October 12, 2011

Language of Nature, The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics as the  (book) -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Lao Tze -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Lao Tzu -- Heavenly Way -- a spiritual checklist -- - Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 (rendered in thirteen versions) -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 (rendered in twelve versions) -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 (rendered in twelve versions) -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Lau, D. C. -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Lau, D. C. -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Lau, D. C. -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Laundry List, An Eschatological -- by Sheldon B. Kopp -- Entry 23 -- October 18, 2011

Lawrence, Bruno (actor) -- The Quiet Earth (soliloquy) -- Geoff Murphy -- Entry 2 -- October 12, 2011

Law's Empire (book) -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

laws of mathematics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Learning (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Lee, General Robert E. -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Lee, General Robert E. Lee -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

legend of the "stab-in-the-back", the  -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Lehrer, Jonah -- blog -- ugly fonts -- "On the Unusual Formatting" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

Lenny Susskind -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Leo Nikolayevitch Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Leo Rosten -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" (book) -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Leonidas -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Leslie Hulse -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Lewis Mumford (author) -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Fromm -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Lexicography and Conceptual Analysis (book) -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

libraries, pubic -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Libraries, The Future of -- NEWS -- A National Public Radio report -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Library Association, American -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

library collections -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Library World Bible, The Viking Portable -- Robert O. Ballou (editor) -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Lies of God -- see "This House is On Fire!" -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Life (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

life as a series of punctuated conscious moments -- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf -- Entry 34 -- October 19, 2011

Life of Frederick Douglas, Narrative of the (book) by Frederick Douglass -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

Life, The Conduct of -- Lewis Mumford -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Life, Work, and Ideas, His -- The Essential Gandhi -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

light (as the material of Life) -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

likelihoods based on other likelihoods -- from "Logic" (excerpts) -- by Wilfrid Hodges -- Entry 25 -- October 18, 2011

Lin Yutang -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Lin Yutang -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Lin Yutang -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Lina Wertmuller -- "Seven Beauties" (film screenplay) -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Lincoln, Abraham -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Lippmann, Walter -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

List, An Eschatological Laundry -- by Sheldon B. Kopp -- Entry 23 -- October 18, 2011

Live is to Suffer, To -- selected quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche -- Entry 31 -- October 19, 2011

logarithms, scriptural -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Logic -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Logic (excerpts) -- by Wilfrid Hodges -- Entry 25 -- October 18, 2011

Lord of the Good Spirit (as a name for God) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Los Alamos -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

lost cause, the -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Louis Fischer -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Love (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Love of God -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

love of truth -- Address at the Final Session -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Lo-we'-chah [The Eagle Woman] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

lower-dimensional surface -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Ludwig van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony -- soundtrack from "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

lumiferous ether -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

luminous mists -- after Charles Baudelaire -- prose poem -- "A Moonlit Child" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

Lynn Neary -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

lyrics (song) -- "Bleeker Street" -- Simon and Garfunkel -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

lyrics (song) -- "I'd Love to Change the World" -- Ten Years After -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

lyrics (song) -- "Money" -- Pink Floyd -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

lyrics (song) -- "My Country" -- New Model Army -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

lyrics (song) -- "Trouble Every Day" -- Frank Zappa -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

lyrics (song) -- "W.P.A. Blues" -- Casey Bill Weldon -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

lyrics (song) -- Guiltiness, a song by Bob Marley -- Entry 8 -- October 14, 2011

lyrics (song) -- Marley, Bob -- "Corner Stone" -- Entry 7 -- October 14, 2011

M.I.R.C. -- Member of the Idle Rich Class (character) -- "The Revolutionist's …" -- Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Machiavelli -- "What Would Machiavelli Do?" by Stanley Bing -- Entry 13 -- October 17, 2011

Machine, Man is a --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Mackintosh, Charles A. -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Mackintosh, Charles A. -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Mackintosh, Charles A. -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

MacNeil, Robert -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

macroscopic universe -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas …" (book) -- Entry 34 -- Oct. 19, 2011

madhouse, the -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Madness -- To Live is to Suffer -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Entry 31 -- October 19, 2011

Magi, The -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Mahadev Desai -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Mahadev Desai, Diary of -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Mahatma Gandhi -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Maiden, The Cloud [Wa-low-tah] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Mainyu, Angra -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Making Sense of Financial News -- PBS Newshour -- Paul Solman-- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Malabar Jews -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Maldecena, Juan -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Man and Superman (excerpts), by George Bernard Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

man as marionette -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Man becomes God, The place where -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

Man in disorder -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Man is a Machine --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Man, Brotherhood of -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Man, Son of (messiah) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Man, The Average -- "The Revolt of …" by Jose Ortega y Gasset -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

Man, The Great -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Mandir -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Manhattan Project -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Man's Possible Evolution, The Psychology of -- P. D. Ouspensky -- "Man is a Machine" -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

man-stealer -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

Mara -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Mara [Satan] -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Marathon -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Marcus Aurelius -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Margaret Warner -- David Pogue -- PBS Newshour -- Printed books are dead? --Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Marian Wright Edelman -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Mario Merola -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

marionette, man as -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Marley, Bob -- "Corner Stone" -- Entry 7 -- October 14, 2011

Marley, Bob -- "Guiltiness" (song) -- Entry 8 -- October 14, 2011

Marriage (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Marshall, Thurgood -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Martin Luther King, Jr. -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Mass Man, The Danger of the -- "The Revolt of …" by Jose Ortega y Gasset -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

mass stupidity -- "Trouble Every Day" (song) -- Frank Zappa -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

materialistic monism -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Mathematics, Dreams and Nightmares, Russell: (book) -- Russell -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

matter, the thralldom of -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

matter/energy duality -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Matters of Faith -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Maury Weinstein -- Making Sense of Financial News -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Max Muller -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Maxims for Revolutionists (excerpts), by George Bernard Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Maya -- "What Took You So Long?" by Sheldon Kopp -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

Mayo, Elton (author) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

McTaggart, J. M. E. -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

meaning in the universe -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Meaning of the Word God, The -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Meanness, The Ends Justify the -- "What Would Machiavelli Do?" by Stanley Bing -- Entry 13 -- October 17, 2011

mechanicalness, utter -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Mein Kampf (the book by Adolf Hitler) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Member of the Idle Rich Class (character) -- "The Revolutionist's Handbook" -- Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Men Work, Why-- A. R. Heron -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

men, the important -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Merola, Mario -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Merriam, C. Hart (recorder) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" --- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Merz, A. -- "The Historical Jesus" (book) -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Meshiah (messiah) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Messiah -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

messianic age, the -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

messias (messiah) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

metaphysics -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Micah (the prophet of God) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Michael Scott Moore (reviewer) -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole ..." (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Michelle Norris -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Michihiko Hachiya (author) "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

Microsoft systems -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Might Have Been Ours, The Religion Which (essay) -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi  -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Miguel Ruiz, Don (author) -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

Mildred (character, Guy Montag's wife) -- Fahrenheit 451 (excerpts) -- Bradbury -- (When books are outlawed) -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

milk of madness -- after Charles Baudelaire -- prose poem -- "A Moonlit Child" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

Millenarians, Christian -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Millennium, The -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Miller, Henry -- "The Time of the Assassins: A Study of Rimbaud" (excerpt) - Entry 20 -- October 17, 2011

Mills E. Godwin -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Miltiades -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Mind Within Us, The Toiling Good (offspring of Ahura Mazda) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Minister of the Government (character) -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Mintz, Morton -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Miranda Weston-Smith -- R. Duncan -- "The Encyclopaedia of Ignorance" -- Entry 14 -- October 17, 2011

Mirror, The Smokey -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

misery, freedom from death and (mukti) -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Mitchell, Stephen -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Mitchell, Stephen -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Mitchell, Stephen -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Mithra [Mitra] -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Mitra [Mithra] -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Mohammedans, The -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Mohammedans, The -- The Mother of Religions -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869-1948) -- "The Essential Gandhi" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

moments, life as a series of punctuated conscious -- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf -- Entry 34 -- October 19, 2011

Money (song) -- Pink Floyd -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Money DOES NOT Insure Creativity in the Workplace -- Paul Solman-- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

monism, materialistic -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

monism, philosophical -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

monism, spiritual -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Monk, Ray -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

monotheism -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Monotheism -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Montag, Guy -- Fahrenheit 451 (excerpts) -- Ray Bradbury -- (When books are outlawed) -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

Moon, The Benefits of the -- by Charles Baudelaire -- "A Moonlit Child" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

Moonlit Child, A -- after Charles Baudelaire -- "The Benefits of the Moon" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

Moore, Michael Scott  (reviewer) -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole …" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Moral Interpretation -- To Live is to Suffer -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Entry 31 -- October 19, 2011

morality and religion (fused by monotheism) -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Morning, Sunday  [poem], (used as a source) by Wallace Stevens -- Entry 21 -- October 17, 2011

Morton Mintz -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Moses -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Most Beneficent (as a name for God) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Mother of Religions, The -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Mount, Sermon on the -- "What Did Jesus Mean?" -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Mourning, Sabbath [poem], after "Sunday Morning" by Wallace Stevens -- Entry 21 -- October 17, 2011

Mouse (electronic) -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Mr. Go-One-Better (character) -- Burmese Proverbs -- "The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes!" -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

M-theory -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

mukti (freedom from death and misery) -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Muller, Max -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Mumford, Lewis (author) -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Fromm -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Mundaka, The Third -- UPANISHADS, THE -- Hindu Wisdom -- Entry 12 -- October 14, 2011

Mundane -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Muni, Shakya -- Buddhism, The Fulfillment of Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Murphy, Geoff -- "The Quiet Earth" (soliloquy) -- Entry 2 -- October 12, 2011

Murray, John (publisher) -- Burmese Proverbs -- "The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes!" -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

Music Players (electronic) -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

My Confession -- Leo Nikolayevitch Tolstoy -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

My Country (song) -- New Model Army -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

My Philosophical Development (book) -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Myanmar (Burma) -- Burmese Proverbs -- "The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes!" -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

Mysteries, The -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

mystical heresies -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

mystics -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

mythology, religious  -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Nagasaki -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

naguals (masters) -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

Narada (character) -- "What Took You So Long?" by Sheldon Kopp -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas (book) by Frederick Douglass -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

Nathan Haskell Dole (translator) -- Stefan Zweig Presents the Living Thoughts of Tolstoy -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

National Public Radio (NPR) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- NEWS -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

National Socialist Seizure of Power, The (book by Karl Bracher, et al) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Nazi Germany -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Nazi Germany (1936) -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" -- -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Nazis -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Nazis -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Nazism -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" (Nazi Germany, 1936)  -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Nazism -- (The National Socialist Party, Germany, 1933 - 1945) "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Neary, Lynn -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Need of India, Religion [is] Not the Crying -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Neiburger, Eli -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Neil Postman (author) "Amusing Ourselves to Death" -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

neo-Nazism -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Neturei Karta -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

New Model Army (band) -- "My Country" -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

New World, Brave -- Aldous Huxley --  quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

New York Times Techie -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Newman, Jon -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

NEWS -- The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age -- A National Public Radio report -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

News Media, on the -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Newshour, PBS -- David Pogue -- NYT Techie -- Printed books are dead? --Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Newshour, PBS -- Making Sense of Financial News -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

newspapers -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Next Big Thing, The -- in electronics -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Ni, Hua-Ching -- "Sickness" -- from "Heavenly Way" -- Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

Ni, Hua-Ching (translator) -- "Heavenly Way" -- a spiritual checklist -- - Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

Niels Bohr -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Niels Bohr -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas …" (book) -- Entry 34 -- Oct. 19, 2011

Niels Henrik David Bohr -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Nietzsche, Friedrich --To Live is to Suffer --  "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Nietzsche, Friedrich --To Live is to Suffer -- Entry 31 -- October 19, 2011

Night Queen -- after Charles Baudelaire -- prose poem -- "A Moonlit Child" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

Nightmares, Mathematics, Dreams and  (book) -- Bertrand Russell -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Nine-Year-Old Test, The -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Ninth Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven -- soundtrack from "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Nirvana -- "What Took You So Long?" by Sheldon Kopp -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

Nirvana -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Non-conformity -- U.S. Supreme Court, The -- The Right of the People -- Entry 1 -- October 12, 2011

non-Euclidean geometry -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

nonrandom patterns -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

nonrandom patterns -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Norris, Michelle -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Now...THIS -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

NPR (National Public Radio) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- NEWS -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

NYT Techie -- David Pogue -- PBS Newshour -- Printed books are dead? --Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Oak Ridge -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Observable Universe -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

occultism -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

official sophistries -- as a problem in mathematics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Oh, give me a break -- (printed books are dead) -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Oh, my gosh -- (printed books are dead) -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Old Age -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Old Testament -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Old Testament -- Buddhism, The Fulfillment of Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

On "Logic" (excerpts) -- by Wilfrid Hodges -- Entry 25 -- October 18, 2011

On the American Civil War -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

On the Hypocrisy of Slave Holders -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

On the Unusual Formatting -- Why ugly fonts and messy handwriting... -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

one-verse, the -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Open-Sourcers -- Making Sense of Financial News -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

operational definitions -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

operational definitions -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Oppenheimer, Daniel M. -- "Fortune Favors the Bold …" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

Oppenheimer, Robert -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Oracle of Delphi, The -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Orange, A Clockwork (excerpt) -- a film based on the book by Anthony Burgess -- "The True Christian" -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

original content -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Origins of Totalitarianism, The (book) -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

Ortega y Gasset, Jose -- "The Coming of the Masses" (excerpts) -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

Ortega y Gasset, Jose -- "The Revolt of the Masses" (excerpts) -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

Orwell, George -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Oswald, H. G. -- and Richard Wilhelm -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Oswald, H. G. -- and Richard Wilhelm -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- Nov. 30, 2011

Oswald, H. G. -- and Richard Wilhelm -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- Nov. 30, 2011

Other Diagnoses, Various -- The Sane Society, by Erich Fromm, excerpts -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Ours, The Religion Which Might Have Been (essay) -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi  -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Ouspensky, P. D. -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

outer reality -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Outflows, Four -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Oxford University Press -- "What Did Jesus Mean?" -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

P. D. Ouspensky -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Pagan Philosophers Speak, The -- book excerpts from "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Pagan Philosophers, The Wisdom of -- book excerpts from "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Pagels, Heinz R. -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Pagels, Heinz R. -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Pagels, Heinz R. -- "Twenty-five…" -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

pain -- "What Took You So Long?" by Sheldon Kopp -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

Pairidaeza [Paradise] -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Paradise [Pairidaeza ] -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

paradoxes of infinity and continuity -- as a problem in mathematics -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Parker, Cola -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Parliament of Religions, The World's -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Parmenides -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Parsees, The -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Parsi, The -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Parsi, The -- Zoroastrianism -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Pasqualino (character) -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Passive vs Active Technology -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Path (to Nirvana) -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Path, Supramundane -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Paul Simon -- "Bleeker Street" -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Paul VI, Pope -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Paul, Celeste Lyn -- Open-Sourcers -- Paul Solman report -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

PBS Newshour -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

PBS Newshour -- David Pogue -- NYT Techie -- Printed books are dead? -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

PBS Newshour -- Making Sense of Financial News -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

PC -- personal computer --David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Pe, Hla (author) -- "Burmese Proverbs" -- "The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes!" -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

Peace and Not Dissention, Harmony and -- Address at the Final Session -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Pedro (character) -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Perfect Holiness (as a name for God) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Perfections, The Six -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

persecution of the Jews (1933 - 1945) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Persian Empire, The -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Persians -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

personal computer -- PC -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Personal Technology Correspondent -- David Pogue -- New York Times -- Printed books …? -- Entry 35 -- Oct 19, 2011

Peter Gandy (author) -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Pharisees -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

Philosophers Speak, The Pagan -- book excerpts from "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Philosophers, The Wisdom of the Pagan -- book excerpts from "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

philosophical monism -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

philosophy -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Philosophy of Civilization, The -- Albert Schweitzer (author) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Philosophy of Labor, A (book) -- quoted -- Frank Tannenbaum -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Philosophy, History of Western (book) -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

pi -- as a problem in mathematics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Pink Floyd (band) -- "Money" -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Pink, Dan -- "A Whole New Mind" -- PBS Newshour -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Pink, Dan -- "Drive" -- PBS Newshour -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Place where Man becomes God, The -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

planned obsolescence -- in electronics -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Plato -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Plato -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Platt, Christopher -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Plotinus -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Plutarch -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

poem -- Lamentation -- a prayer by Vassula Ryden, 1992 -- Entry 4 -- October 12, 2011

poem -- To be a child -- Francis Thompson, English Poet, quotations -- Entry 3 -- October 12, 2011

poem, prose -- A Moonlit Child -- after Charles Baudelaire -- "The Benefits of the Moon" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

poets -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Pogue, David -- New York Times Techie -- Printed books are dead? -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Point Zero -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

polytheistic Greece -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Pope Paul VI -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Porphyry -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Portable Library World Bible, The Viking -- Robert O. Ballou (editor) -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Portraits from Memory (book) -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Positions for Agreement, Twenty-five Starting  -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Possible Evolution, The Psychology of Man's -- P. D. Ouspensky -- "Man is a Machine" -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

possible future worlds -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Postman, Neil (author) "Amusing Ourselves to Death" -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Poverty (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Poverty (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Power (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Powers, The Ten -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Pratyekabuddha -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Prayers of Jesus and Vassula, True Life in God -- "Lamentation" a prayer -- Entry 4 -- October 12, 2011

Pre-Exilic Prophets -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

President Noble (character) -- Fahrenheit 451 (excerpts) -- Bradbury -- (When books are outlawed) -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

presidential "misstatements" -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Priest (character) -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Princeton University -- on ugly fonts -- "On the Unusual Formatting" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

principle of illusion -- Niels Bohr -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas …" (book) -- Entry 34 -- Oct. 19, 2011

principle, correspondence -- Niels Bohr -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas …" (book) -- Entry 34 -- Oct. 19, 2011

printed books are dead -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

prison of individuality, the -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

probabilities -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

probabilities -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Probabilities based on other probabilities -- "Logic" (excerpts) -- by W. Hodges -- Entry 25 -- October 18, 2011

probability distributions, quantum -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Problems of an Industrial Civilization, The Human (book) -- quoted -- Mayo -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

progress -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Progress Administration, Works -- "W.P.A. Blues" (song) -- Casey Bill Weldon -- Songs for …  -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Progress an Illusion -- "The Revolutionist's Handbook" -- Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

prose poem -- Charles Baudelaire -- "The Benefits of the Moon" [Number 37] -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

Proverbs, Burmese -- "The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes!" -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

Proverbs, Selected English (part 1 of 3) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Proverbs, Selected English (part 2 of 3) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Proverbs, Selected English (part 3 of 3) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Providers of Content -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Prudence (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Psychological knowledge -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

psychology -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution, The -- P. D. Ouspensky -- "Man is a Machine" -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Psychotherapist Sheldon B. Kopp -- "IF YOU MEET THE BUDDHA…" -- Entry 23 -- October 18, 2011

Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business (subtitle of book) "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

public libraries -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

publishing companies -- The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age (digital files) -- A National Public Radio report -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Puckett, B. Earl -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

punctuated conscious moments, life as a series of -- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf -- Entry 34 -- October 19, 2011

Punishment (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Pythagoras -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Pythagoras -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Pythagorean Theorem -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Pythagoreanism -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Quaison-Sackey, Alex -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

quantum physics -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

quantum physics -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature, The Cosmic Code  (book) -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

quantum probability distributions -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… "  -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Quantum Universe -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Quiet Earth, The (soliloquy) -- Geoff Murphy -- Entry 2 -- October 12, 2011

Quotations on Freedom and Rights -- selected from "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Quotations, Simpson's Contemporary (book) by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Quotations, Treasury of Jewish -- (book) by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

R. B. Blakney -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

R. B. Blakney -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

R. B. Blakney -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

R. H. Tawney (author) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

rabbis -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Radio, "killed" by TV -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

radium -- after Charles Baudelaire -- prose poem -- "A Moonlit Child" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

rains, it -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Ramsey Clark -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Randall Robinson -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

random sequence of integers, a -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… " -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Random?, Is Anything -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… " -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

randomness -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… " -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

randomness -- "Twenty-five…" -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… " -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

rational numbers -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

rationality -- "The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics… " -- Entry 30 -- October 19, 2011

Rationality -- To Live is to Suffer -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Entry 31 -- October 19, 2011

Ray Bradbury -- "Fahrenheit 451" (excerpts) -- (When books are outlawed) -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

Ray Monk -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Reagan, Ronald -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

real numbers -- as problems in mathematics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

realities, hidden -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book …" -- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf -- Entry 34 -- October 19, 2011

reality -- "The Cosmic Code …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

reality -- as described by Physics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Reason -- To Live is to Suffer -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Entry 31 -- October 19, 2011

Red Branch Warriors (characters) -- "Cuchulain ..." -- after W. B. Yeats -- Entry 17 -- October 17, 2011

Reich, The Third (1933 - 1945) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Reischauer, Edwin O. -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

religion -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

religion and morality (fused by monotheism) -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Religion Not the Crying Need of India -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Religion Which Might Have Been Ours, The (essay) -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi  -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Religions, The Mother of -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Religions, The World's Parliament of -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

religious logic -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

religious mythology -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

religious philosophies -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

religious symbolism -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Remote Controlled Device -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

remote, you are the -- in electronics -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

replace other things, things don't necessarily -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

replacement technology -- in electronics -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Report on the Banality of Evil, A (book) -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

Republic, Weimar -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Response to Welcome -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

resurrection, the final -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Revolt of the Masses (excerpts), The -- by Jose Ortega y Gasset -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

Revolutionist's Handbook, The (excerpts), by George Bernard Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Revolutionists, Maxims for -- (excerpts), by George Bernard Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Rich Class, Member of Idle (character) -- "The Revolutionist's Handbook" -- Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Richard Wilhelm -- and H. G. Oswald -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Richard Wilhelm -- and H. G. Oswald -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- Nov. 30, 2011

Richard Wilhelm -- and H. G. Oswald -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- Nov. 30, 2011

Rickover, Hyman G. (Admiral) -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Right of the People, The -- United States Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, 1962 -- Entry 1 -- October 12, 2011

Righteousness, The Age of -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Rights and Freedom, Quotations on -- selected from "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Rimbaud, Arthur -- The Time of the Assassins: A Study of Rimbaud (excerpt) -- by H. Miller -- Entry 20 -- October 17, 2011

Rimbaud, The Time of the Assassins: A Study of (excerpt) -- by Henry Miller -- Entry 20 -- October 17, 2011

Rishis, The -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Ritualization of Subordination, The -- from "Gender Advertisements" by Erving Goffman -- (book excerpt) -- Entry 40 -- October 20, 2011

rituals of communion -- after Charles Baudelaire -- prose poem -- "A Moonlit Child" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

Robert Frost -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Robert Jungk (author) -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns"  -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Robert MacNeil -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Robert O. Ballou (author) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" (essay) -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Robert Oppenheimer -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Roberta Stevens -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Robinson, Randall -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Rogers, Rutherford D. -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Romans -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Rommel, General Erwin -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Ronald D. Dworkin -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Ronald Duncan -- M. Weston-Smith -- "The Encyclopaedia of Ignorance" -- Entry 14 -- October 17, 2011

Ronald Reagan -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano -- "W.P.A. Blues" (song) -- Casey Bill Weldon -- Songs for …  -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Root of All Evil -- Pink Floyd -- "Money" (song) -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Rosten, Leo "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" (book) -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Ruiz, Don Miguel (author) -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

Russell, Bertrand -- "Mathematics: …" -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32  -- October 19, 2011

Russell, Bertrand -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Russell, The Autobiography of Bertrand (book) -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Russell: Mathematics, Dreams and Nightmares (book) -- Russell -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Russia -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Rutherford D. Rogers -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Ryden, Vassula -- "Lamentation" a prayer -- Entry 4 -- October 12, 2011

Sabbath Mourning [poem], after "Sunday Morning" by Wallace Stevens -- Entry 21 -- October 17, 2011

sacrament -- Bleeker Street (song) -- Simon and Garfunkel -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- Oct. 20, 2011

Saint -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Salamis -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011 -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Sam Glucksberg -- Making Sense of Financial News -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Sane Society, The -- by Erich Fromm, excerpts -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Sanskrit -- Buddhism, The Fulfillment of Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Satan -- the Devil, The (character) -- "Man and Superman" -- by G. B. Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Satan [Mara] -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Savior (messiah) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Schuld oder Verhangnis? (original book title) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Schwartz, Barry -- Making Sense of Financial News -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Schweitzer, Albert -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Schweitzer, Albert (author) -- "The Philosophy of Civilization" -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

science -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

science at the edge -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Science Meets Spirit, Where -- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf -- Entry 34 -- October 19, 2011

scriptural logarithms -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Season (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Second World War -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

sectarianism -- Response to Welcome -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Selassie, Haile -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Selected English Proverbs, part 1 of 3 -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Selected English Proverbs, part 2 of 3 -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Selected English Proverbs, part 3 of 3 -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Self Confidence, The Four Grounds of -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Self, Tolstoy's Way to His Inner -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Serge Knystautas -- Open-Sourcers -- Paul Solman report -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

series of punctuated conscious moments, life as a -- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf -- Entry 34 -- October 19, 2011

Sermon on the Mount -- "What Did Jesus Mean?" -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Session, Address at the Final -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Seven Beauties (film screenplay)  by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Seymour, Charles -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Shakya Muni -- Buddhism, The Fulfillment of Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Shaw, George Bernard -- "Man and Superman" (excerpts) -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Shaw, George Bernard -- "Maxims for Revolutionists" (excerpts) -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Shaw, George Bernard -- "The Revolutionist's Handbook" (excerpts) -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Sheldon B. Kopp "IF YOU MEET THE BUDDHA ON THE ROAD, KILL HIM!" -- Entry 23 -- October 18, 2011

Sheldon Kopp (psychotherapist/author) -- "What Took You So Long?" -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

Shirley Stoler (actor) -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Short Term-ism -- Making Sense of Financial News -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Show Business, Public Discourse in the Age of (subtitle of book) "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Sickness of an Acquisitive Society, The (book) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Sickness, a spiritual checklist from "Heavenly Way" -- Ni, Hua-Ching -- Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

Silver Fox-man, The [Kwahn] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Simon and Garfunkel (band) -- "Bleeker Street" -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Simon, Paul -- "Bleeker Street" -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Simpson, Alan -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Simpson, James B. (author) -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Simpson, John A. (physicist) -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Simpson's Contemporary Quotations (book) by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

simultaneous access -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Sin (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Six Perfections. The -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Sixty-two Heretical Views, The -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Skandhas, The Five -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

slave auctioneer -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

slave-holders -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

slave-holding religion, the -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

slavery -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

slavery -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Slotin (scientist) -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Small Fish, The -- from "Guiltiness", a song by Bob Marley -- Entry 8 -- October 14, 2011

Smart phones -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Smokey Mirror, The -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

Snepp, Frank -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

So Long?, What Took You (book) by Sheldon Kopp -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

Socialism?, Why -- Albert Einstein -- quoted -- "The Sane Society"-- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Society, Great The -- "Trouble Every Day" (song) -- Frank Zappa -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Society, The Acquisitive (book) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Society, The Sane -- by Erich Fromm, excerpts -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Society, The Sickness of an Acquisitive (book) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Socrates -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Socrates -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Solman, Paul -- PBS Newshour -- Making Sense of Financial News -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Solution, The Final -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Son of Man (messiah) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

song -- "Bleeker Street" -- Simon and Garfunkel -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

song -- "Horst Wessel" -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" (Nazi Germany, 1936)  -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

song -- "I'd Love to Change the World" -- Ten Years After -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

song -- "Money" -- Pink Floyd -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

song -- "My Country" -- New Model Army -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

song -- "Trouble Every Day" -- Frank Zappa -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

song -- "W.P.A. Blues" -- Casey Bill Weldon -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Song lyrics -- "Corner Stone", by Bob Marley -- Entry 7 -- October 14, 2011

Song lyrics -- "Guiltiness", by Bob Marley -- Entry 8 -- October 14, 2011

Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- "My Country" "Bleeker Street", etc. -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

sorrow -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

South, The -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Southern Churches -- "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" (book) -- Entry 49 -- October 25, 2011

Space-Time and Beyond: Toward an Explanation of the Unexplainable (book) -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

space-time mirrored image -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Spartans -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Speak, The Pagan Philosophers -- book excerpts from "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Spence, Gerry -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Spirit , Where Science Meets -- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf -- Entry 34 -- October 19, 2011

Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta, The -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Spirit of Life, The, rewritten from THE UPANISHADS, Hindu Wisdom -- Entry 12 -- October 14, 2011

Spirit, Behold the (book) by Alan W. Watts -- "The Wisdom of Insecurity" -- Entry 22 -- October 18, 2011

Spirit, Lord of the Good (as a name for God) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Spiritual checklist from "Heavenly Way" -- Ni, Hua-Ching-- Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

spiritual monism -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Spock, Benjamin -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

stab-in-the-back legend, the -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Stanley Bing -- "What Would Machiavelli Do? The Ends Justify..." -- Entry 13 -- October 17, 2011

Stanley Kubrick [film director] -- "A Clockwork Orange" (film) -- "The True Christian" -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Starting Positions for Agreement, Twenty-five  -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Statue, The (character) -- "Man and Superman" -- by G. B. Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Stefan Zweig Presents the Living Thoughts of Tolstoy (book) -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Stephen Hawking -- A Brief History of Time (book) -- "The Hole …" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Stephen Mitchell -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Stephen Mitchell -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Stephen Mitchell -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Steven Henderson -- Chapter #19 -- of the Dhammapada -- [a rewrite] -- Entry 24 -- October 18, 2011

Steven Wagner (translator) -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Stevens, John Paul -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Stevens, Roberta -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Stevens, Wallace -- "Sunday Morning" [poem], (used as a source) -- Entry 21 -- October 17, 2011

Stoler, Shirley (actor) -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Stone That the Builders Refused, The -- Corner Stone, by Bob Marley -- Entry 7 -- October 14, 2011

Stonewall Jackson -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Stop the War -- "I'd Love to Change the World" (song) -- Ten Years After -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Story of the Men Who Made the Bomb, The (book, subtitle) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Strauss, Herbert -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Street, Bleeker (song) -- Simon and Garfunkel -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Strominger, Andrew -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Strong One, The (as a name for God) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Study of Rimbaud, The Time of the Assassins: A (excerpt) -- by Henry Miller -- Entry 20 -- October 17, 2011

Subordination, The Ritualization of -- from "Gender Advertisements" by Erving Goffman -- (book excerpt) -- Entry 40 -- October 20, 2011

Suffer, To Live is to -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Suffer, To Live is to -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Entry 31 -- October 19, 2011

suffering -- "What Took You So Long?" by Sheldon Kopp -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

Suffering (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 61 -- October 31, 2011

Sufi teachings -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

suicide -- "What Took You So Long?" by Sheldon Kopp -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

Sunday Morning [poem], (used as a source) by Wallace Stevens -- Entry 21 -- October 17, 2011

Suns, Brighter Than a Thousand (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Superman (character) -- "Man and Superman" (excerpts), by G. B. Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Superman, Man and -- (excerpts), by George Bernard Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

superstring theory -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Supramundane -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Supramundane Path, The -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Supreme Court, The U.S. -- The Right of the People -- William O. Douglas -- Entry 1 -- October 12, 2011

Supreme Identity, The (book) by Alan W. Watts -- "The Wisdom of Insecurity" -- Entry 22 -- October 18, 2011

surface of an egg, the -- as a model of space -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Surprisingly Casual Affair, A -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Susskind, Lenny -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

swastikas -- (in Nazi Germany 1936) -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

symbolical teachings -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

symbolism -- after Charles Baudelaire -- prose poem -- "A Moonlit Child" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

symbology -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Tacks and Candle Experiment -- Paul Solman report, PBS Newshour -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Ta-Kao, Ch'u -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Ta-Kao, Ch'u -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

talents -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Talmud -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Talmudic Law -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Tannenbaum, Frank (author) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Tanner, John (character) -- "Man and Superman" -- by G. B. Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

Tao and Universe, The Union of -- "Heavenly Way" -- a spiritual checklist -- - Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

Tao teh Ching #1 (in thirteen versions) -- by "Lao Tzu" -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Tao teh Ching #2 (in twelve versions) -- by "Lao Tzu" -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Tao teh Ching #3 (in twelve versions) -- by "Lao Tzu" -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Tat Tvam Asi ("You are That"/"Thou Art That!") -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Tathagata -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Tawadeintha (the second of six celestial abodes) -- Burmese Proverbs -- "The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes!" -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

Tawney, R. H. (author) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Tax the Rich -- "I'd Love to Change the World" (song) -- Ten Years After -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

teachings, symbolical -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Tech Beat -- David Pogue -- PBS Newshour -- Printed books are dead? --Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Tech Columnist -- David Pogue -- New York Times -- Printed books are dead? -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Tech Gadgets -- David Pogue -- PBS Newshour -- Printed books are dead? --Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Tech Industry -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Technology Consumers -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Technology Industry -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Technology vs. Human Nature -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Technology, Consumer -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Technology, Passive vs. Active -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

technology, replacement -- in electronics -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Teishin Igaku (journal) -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

television -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

temple of books -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

Ten Admonitions, The -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Ten Powers, The -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Ten Years After (band) -- "I'd Love to Change the World" -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Teotihuacan -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

Terminiello vs. Chicago -- The Right of the People -- William O. Douglas -- Entry 1 -- October 12, 2011

Thales -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

the "economic miracle" of Nazi Germany -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

The "Expiration" of Man -- as opposed to the "Inspiration" of Man -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

the "heresy" of the Future -- "All Things Considered" (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

The "Inspiration" of Man -- as opposed to the "Expiration" of Man -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The "Mysteries" -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

the "prison" of individuality -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The Acquisitive Society (book) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

The Afterlife -- see "This House is On Fire!" -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

The Age of Anxiety (chapter title) by Alan W. Watts -- "The Wisdom of Insecurity" -- Entry 22 -- October 18, 2011

The Age of Righteousness -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

The Ancient One -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The Anointed One (messiah) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

the authors of the day -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell (book) -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

The Average Man -- "The Revolt of …" by Jose Ortega y Gasset -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

The Beast (character) -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

The Benefits of the Moon -- by Charles Baudelaire -- "A Moonlit Child" -- Entry 36 -- October 19, 2011

The Bhagavad-Gita -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

The Big Fish -- from "Guiltiness", a song by Bob Marley -- Entry 8 -- October 14, 2011

The Blue and the Gray (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

The Bomb -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" -- Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

The Bomb -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

The Bomb -- Those Who Created It -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

The Bomb -- Those Who Suffered It -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

The Burden of Guilt, by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

The Civil War -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

The Cloud Maiden [Wa-low-tah] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

The Coming of the Masses, Jose Ortega y Gasset, from "The Revolt…" -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

The Common Good, For -- The Quiet Earth (soliloquy) -- Geoff Murphy -- Entry 2 -- October 12, 2011

The Complex-conjugated Self -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

The Conduct of Life -- Lewis Mumford -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

The Confederacy -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature  (book) -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

the cutting edge -- in electronics -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

The Danger of the Mass Man -- "The Revolt of …" by Jose Ortega y Gasset -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

The Deliverer (messiah) -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

The Devil (character) -- "Man and Superman" -- by G. B. Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

The Diary of Desai, Mahadev -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

The Eagle Woman [Lo-we'-chah] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

The E-Book Age (digital files) -- The Future of Libraries -- A National Public Radio report -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

The Emperor's New Clothes -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

The Encyclopaedia of Ignorance, Ronald Duncan, M. Weston-Smith -- Entry 14 -- October 17, 2011

The Ends Justify the Meanness -- "What Would Machiavelli Do?" by Stanley Bing -- Entry 13 -- October 17, 2011

The Essential Gandhi, The: His Life, Work, and Ideas -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

the evolution of Man -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

The Experiment with Candle and Tacks -- Paul Solman report, PBS Newshour -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

The final resurrection -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

The Final Solution -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

The Five Dispositions -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

The Five Skandhas -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

The Four Agreements (book) by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Toltec wisdom -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

The Four Grounds of Self Confidence -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

The Four Outflows -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

the frog from the sea -- Why We Disagree -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

the frog from the well -- Why We Disagree -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The Fulfillment of Hinduism, Buddhism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age -- NEWS -- A National Public Radio report -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- "Buddhist Scriptures" -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

The Great Man -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

The Great Society -- "Trouble Every Day" (song) -- Frank Zappa -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

The Hebrew Bible -- "What Did Jesus Mean?" -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

The Historical Jesus (book) -- A. Merz and G. Theissen -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

The History of the Universe -- Achumawi Indian tales -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

the Hitler period of Germany (1933 - 1945) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

The Holy Torah -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

The Human Condition (book) -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

the human ego -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization (book) -- quoted -- Mayo -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

the important men -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

The Infinite -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

the infinitesimal -- as a problem in mathematics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany (1936) -- German Tourist Information Office -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

The Jains -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The Jews -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

the legend of the "stab-in-the-back" -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

The Lies of God -- see "This House is On Fire!" -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

The Living Thoughts of Tolstoy, Stefan Zweig Presents (book) -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

the madhouse -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

The man from Hell is not afraid of hot ashes! -- Burmese Proverbs -- Entry 55 -- October 26, 2011

The Masses, The Revolt of -- by Jose Ortega y Gasset -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

The Meaning of the Word God -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

the messianic age -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

The Millennium -- from "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

The Mohammedans -- The Mother of Religions -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The Mother of Religions -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The National Socialist Seizure of Power (book by Karl Bracher, et al) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

The Next Big Thing -- in electronics --David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

The Nine-Year-Old Test -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

The One-verse -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

The Origins of Totalitarianism (book) -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

The Pagan Philosophers Speak! -- book excerpts from "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

The Parsees -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The Parsi -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The Parsi -- Zoroastrianism -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

The Path (to Nirvana) -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

The PBS Newshour -- Making Sense of Financial News -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

The Philosophy of Civilization -- Albert Schweitzer (author) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution -- P. D. Ouspensky -- "Man is a Machine" -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

The Quiet Earth (soliloquy) -- Geoff Murphy -- Entry 2 -- October 12, 2011

The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours (essay) -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi  -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

The Revolt of the Masses (excerpts), by Jose Ortega y Gasset -- Entry 18 -- October 17, 2011

The Revolutionist's Handbook (excerpts), by George Bernard Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

The Right of the People, United States Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, 1962 -- Entry 1 -- October 12, 2011

the Rishis -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The Ritualization of Subordination -- from "Gender Advertisements" by Erving Goffman -- (book excerpt) -- Entry 40 -- October 20, 2011

The Root of All Evil -- Pink Floyd -- "Money" (song) -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

The Sane Society, by Erich Fromm, excerpts -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

The Sickness of an Acquisitive Society (book) -- quoted -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

The Silver Fox-man [Kwahn] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

The Six Perfections -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

The Sixty-two Heretical Views -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

The Small Fish -- from "Guiltiness", a song by Bob Marley -- Entry 8 -- October 14, 2011

The Smokey Mirror -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The Spirit of Life, rewritten from THE UPANISHADS, Hindu Wisdom -- Entry 12 -- October 14, 2011

The Statue (character) -- "Man and Superman" -- by G. B. Shaw -- Entry 19 -- October 17, 2011

The Stone That the Builders Refused -- Corner Stone, by Bob Marley -- Entry 7 -- October 14, 2011

The Story of the Civil War as Told by Participants (subtitle of book) -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

The Story of the Men Who Made the Bomb (book, subtitle) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

The Supramundane Path -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

The Supreme Court (U.S.) -- The Right of the People -- William O. Douglas -- Entry 1 -- October 12, 2011

The Supreme Identity (book) by Alan W. Watts -- "The Wisdom of Insecurity" -- Entry 22 -- October 18, 2011

the surface of an egg -- as a model of space -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

The Ten Admonitions -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

The Ten Powers -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

the thinkers -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

The Third Mundaka -- UPANISHADS, THE -- Hindu Wisdom -- Entry 12 -- October 14, 2011

The Third Reich (1933 - 1945) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

the thralldom of matter -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The Three kinds of Knowledge -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

The Time of the Assassins: A Study of Rimbaud (excerpt), by Henry Miller -- Entry 20 -- October 17, 2011

The Triple World -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

The True Christian -- as conditioned/engineered in "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

The Twentieth Century -- The Sane Society, by Erich Fromm, excerpts -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

The Union of Tao and Universe -- "Sickness" -- from "Heavenly Way" -- Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

The Universal Being ("God") -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The Universe -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

the universe as a holographic projection of the information on this boundary into space -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

The Unprincipled (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

The Vedas -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

The Wisdom of Insecurity (excerpts) -- by Alan W. Watts (excerpts) Entry 22 -- October 18, 2011

The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers (book) by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

The Wisdom of Truth (after The Dhammapada, Chapter #19) -- Entry 24 -- October 18, 2011

The World of Yama -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

The World's Parliament of Religions -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Theissen, G. -- "The Historical Jesus" (book) -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Theme Music for the News Reports -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Theoretical Division -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Theory of Cognition -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Theosophy -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Thermopylae -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Things Considered, All (radio program) -- "The Future of Libraries in the E-Book Age" -- Entry 59 -- October 27, 2011

things don't necessarily replace other things -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

thinkers, the -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Third Mundaka, The -- UPANISHADS, THE -- Hindu Wisdom -- Entry 12 -- October 14, 2011

Third Reich, The (1933 - 1945) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

This House is On Fire -- "Buddhist Scriptures" -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Thomas DeLeon -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Thompson, Francis -- "To be a child" -- Entry 3 -- October 12, 2011

Those Who Created It (The Bomb) -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Those Who Suffered It (The Bomb) -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

Thou Art That -- Tat Tvam Asi ("You are That") -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Thoughts for Living (-- "What Took You So Long?" by Sheldon Kopp -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

Thoughts of Tolstoy, The Living Thoughts of -- -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Thousand Suns, Brighter Than a (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

thralldom of matter, the -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

three dimensional interior -- K. C. Cole -- "The Hole in the Universe" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Three kinds of Knowledge -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Thurgood Marshall -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Tik'-a-do He-da'-che [The World's Heart] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Time (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Time of the Assassins, The: A Study of Rimbaud (excerpt), by Henry Miller -- Entry 20 -- October 17, 2011

Time, A Brief History of  (book) -- Stephen Hawking -- "The Hole …" (book) -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

Timothy Freke (author) -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

To be a child -- Francis Thompson, English Poet, quotations -- Entry 3 -- October 12, 2011

To Live is to Suffer -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- "Twenty-five…" -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Toben, Bob -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Toiling Good Mind Within Us, The (offspring of Ahura Mazda) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Tolstoy, Leo Nikolayevitch -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Toltec Wisdom -- "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Toltec wisdom -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

tonal (the stars) -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

Took You So Long?, What (book) by Sheldon Kopp -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

Torah, The Holy -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Totalitarianism, The Origins of (book) -- Hannah Arendt -- quotations -- Entry 10 -- October 14, 2011

Touch Screen Phones -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Touch Technology -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Touch-less Manipulation (electronic) -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Toward an Explanation of the Unexplainable, Space-Time and Beyond: (book) -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

transactions, discontinuous atomic -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas …" (book) -- Entry 34 -- Oct. 19, 2011

Transic concentration -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

traveler -- The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany (Nazi Germany, 1936) -- German Tourist Information Office -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Treasury of Jewish Quotations by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

treatment of the Jews in Nazi Germany (1933 - 1945) -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

treatment of the Jews in Nazi Germany (1936) -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Treaty, Versailles -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Trinity -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Triple World. The -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Trismegistus, Hermes -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Trouble Every Day (song) -- Frank Zappa -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

True Life in God: Prayers of Jesus and Vassula -- "Lamentation" a prayer -- Entry 4 -- October 12, 2011

Truffaut, Francois -- film director of "Fahrenheit 451" (this excerpt is from Bradbury's novel)-- (When books are outlawed) -- Entry 38 -- Oct. 20, 2011

Truth -- To Live is to Suffer -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Entry 31 -- October 19, 2011

truth, love of -- Address at the Final Session -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Truth, The Wisdom of the -- (after The Dhammapada, Chapter #19) -- Entry 24 -- October 18, 2011

Truths?, Eternal -- Sheldon B. Kopp -- "IF YOU MEET THE BUDDHA…" -- Entry 23 -- October 18, 2011

TV "kills" the Radio -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

TV-Computer connection -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

TV-Internet connection -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Twentieth Century Club -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Twentieth Century, The -- The Sane Society, by Erich Fromm, excerpts -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Twenty-five Starting Positions for Agreement -- Entry 32 -- October 19, 2011

Tzu, Lao -- Heavenly Way -- a spiritual checklist -- - Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

Tzu, Lao -- Tao teh Ching #1 (rendered in thirteen versions) -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Tzu, Lao -- Tao teh Ching #2 (rendered in twelve versions) -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Tzu, Lao -- Tao teh Ching #3 (rendered in twelve versions) -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

U. S. Constitution -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

U.S. Supreme Court, The -- The Right of the People -- William O. Douglas -- Entry 1 -- October 12, 2011

Ugly fonts -- "On the Unusual Formatting" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

ultraviolence -- "A Clockwork Orange" -- the book by Burgess, Anthony -- "The True Christian" (as conditioned) -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

ultraviolence -- "A Clockwork Orange" -- the film by Stanley Kubrick -- "The True Christian" (as conditioned) -- Entry 39 -- October 20, 2011

Ulysses S. Grant, General -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

uncertainty -- in Physics -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Unconquerable One, The (as a name for God) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Understanding (as a name for God) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Unexplainable, Space-Time and Beyond: Toward an Explanation of the (book) -- "Mathematics …" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Union of Tao and Universe -- "Sickness" -- from "Heavenly Way" -- Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

United Nations -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

unity (Advaita) -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Unity in Belief -- Swami Vivekananda -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Universal Being ("God") -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Universal Brotherhood -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Universal Human Concepts -- "What Did Jesus Mean?" -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

universal individuality, the infinite -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

universe as a holographic projection of the information on this boundary into space, the -- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

universe, meaning in -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

Universe, The -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Universe, The History of -- Achumawi Indian tales -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Universe, The Hole in the (book) K. C. Cole -- "-- Entry 33 -- October 19, 2011

universities -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Unknown, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the -- (book) R. Duncan, M. Weston-Smith -- Entry 14 -- Oct 17, 2011

Unprincipled, The (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Unusual Formatting -- Why ugly fonts and messy handwriting... -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

Upanishads -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

UPANISHADS, THE -- "The Spirit of Life" (rewritten) -- Hindu Wisdom -- Entry 12 -- October 14, 2011

Uranium Society -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

utter mechanicalness -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

Vallandigham -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Value -- To Live is to Suffer -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Entry 31 -- October 19, 2011

Various Other Diagnoses -- The Sane Society, by Erich Fromm, excerpts -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Vartan Gregorian -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Varuna -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Vassula Ryden -- "Lamentation" a prayer -- Entry 4 -- October 12, 2011

Vaughan, Erikka B. -- "Fortune Favors the Bold …" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

Vedanta, The Spirit and Influence of the -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Vedas, The -- The Spirit and Influence of the Vedanta -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Vendidad (sacred scriptures) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Versailles Treaty, The -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

viewer acceptance -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Views, The Heretical (sixty-two) -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Viking Portable Library World Bible -- Robert O. Ballou (editor) -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Virtue (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Vishnu (character) -- "What Took You So Long?" by Sheldon Kopp -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

Vishtaspa (a monarch) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Visperad (sacred scriptures) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Vivekananda, Swami -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Vogt, Hannah (author) -- "The Burden of Guilt", 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Voices (publication) -- Sheldon B. Kopp -- "IF YOU MEET THE BUDDHA…" -- Entry 23 -- October 18, 2011

Volksschulen -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Vyasa -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

W. B. Yeats -- "Cuchulain's Fight With the Sea" (as a source) -- Entry 17 -- October 17, 2011

W.P.A. Blues (song) -- Casey Bill Weldon -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

Wagner, Steven (translator) -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Wallace Stevens -- "Sunday Morning" [poem], (used as a source) -- Entry 21 -- October 17, 2011

Wa-low-tah [The Cloud Maiden] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Walter Lippmann -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

War -- -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

war -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

War Between the States -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

War, The Civil -- "The Blue and the Gray" (book) by Henry Steele Commager -- Entry 48 -- October 25, 2011

Warner Wells, M.D. (translator) -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

Warner, Margaret -- David Pogue -- PBS Newshour -- Printed books are dead? --Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

warning to travelers -- "The Intelligent Traveler's Guide to Germany" (Nazi Germany, 1936)  -- Entry 41 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Watergate Investigation -- "Amusing Ourselves to Death" by Neil Postman -- Entry 45 -- October 25, 2011

Watts, Alan W. -- "The Wisdom of Insecurity" (excerpts) -- Entry 22 -- October 18, 2011

Way to His Inner Self, Tolstoy's -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

Way, Heavenly -- "The Union of Tao and Universe " -- a spiritual checklist -- - Entry 15 -- October 17, 2011

We Disagree, Why -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Wealth (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Weather (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 62 -- November 4, 2011

Web on TV -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Weimar Republic -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, 1961 (book excerpt) -- on Nazi Germany -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

Weinstein, Maury -- Making Sense of Financial News -- Paul Solman -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Welcome, Response to -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Weldon, Casey Bill -- "W.P.A. Blues" -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

WELFARE and WARFARE -- Guidelines from the Bible -- Entry 5 -- October 13, 2011

Wells, Dr. Warner (translator) -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

Wertmuller, Lina -- "Seven Beauties" (film screenplay) -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

Western Philosophy, History of (book) -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

What Did Jesus Mean? -- (the word "God") -- Anna Wierzbicka -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

What Do I Know? -- Tolstoy's Way to His Inner Self -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011

What Took You So Long? (book) by Sheldon Kopp -- Entry 50 -- October 26, 2011

What Would Machiavelli Do? The Ends Justify... by Stanley Bing -- Entry 13 -- October 17, 2011

When books are outlawed -- "Fahrenheit 451" (excerpts) -- Ray Bradbury -- Entry 38 -- October 20, 2011

Where Science Meets Spirit -- Dr. Fred Alan Wolf -- Entry 34 -- October 19, 2011

Why Men Work -- A. R. Heron -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Why Socialism? -- Albert Einstein -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Why ugly fonts and messy handwriting ... -- "On the Unusual Formatting" -- Entry 6 -- October 14, 2011

Why We Disagree -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Wierzbicka, Anna --"What Did Jesus Mean?" (meaning of "God") -- Entry 9 -- October 14, 2011

Wilfrid Hodges -- "Logic" (excerpts) -- Entry 25 -- October 18, 2011

Wilhelm, Richard -- and H. G. Oswald -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Wilhelm, Richard -- and H. G. Oswald -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- Nov. 30, 2011

Wilhelm, Richard -- and H. G. Oswald -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- Nov. 30, 2011

Will, Free -- "Treasury of Jewish Quotations" by Leo Rosten -- Entry 58 -- October 26, 2011

William Butler Yeats -- "Cuchulain's Fight With the Sea" (as a source) -- Entry 17 -- October 17, 2011

William F. Beck -- BIBLE WELFARE and WARFARE in Deuteronomy -- Entry 5 -- October 13, 2011

William Fulbright -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

William Hulsey [Istet Woiche] (author) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" --- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

William O. Douglas -- "Right of the People" -- Entry 1 -- October 12, 2011

William O. Douglas -- "Simpson's Contemporary Quotations" by James B. Simpson -- Entry 46 -- October 25, 2011

Wisdom (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Wisdom of Insecurity, The (excerpts) -- by Alan W. Watts -- Entry 22 -- October 18, 2011

Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers, The (book) by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Wisdom of Truth, The (after The Dhammapada, Chapter #19) -- Entry 24 -- October 18, 2011

Wisdom, Toltec -- "The Four Agreements: A Toltec Wisdom Book" by Don Miguel Ruiz -- Entry 52 -- October 26, 2011

Within Us, The Toiling Good Mind (offspring of Ahura Mazda) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Witter Bynner -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Witter Bynner -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Witter Bynner -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Woiche, Istet [William Hulsey] (author) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" --- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Wolf, Fred Alan -- "Dr. Quantum's Little Book of Big Ideas: Where Science Meets Spirit" (book) -- Entry 34 -- Oct. 19, 2011

Wolf, Fred Alan -- "Mathematics: Dreams and Nightmares" -- Russell -- Entry 29 -- October 19, 2011

Woman, The Eagle [Lo-we'-chah] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

Work, Why Men -- A. R. Heron -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

Workplace, Money DOES NOT Insure Creativity in the -- Paul Solman-- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Works Progress Administration -- "W.P.A. Blues" (song) -- Casey Bill Weldon -- Songs for …  -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

World Bible, The Viking Portable Library -- Robert O. Ballou (editor) -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

World of Yama, The -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

World War Two -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

World War Two -- "Hiroshima Diary" by Dr. Michihiko Hachiya -- Entry 44 -- October 25, 2011

World War Two -- "Seven Beauties" (film) by Lina Wertmuller -- Entry 47 -- October 25, 2011

World War Two -- "The Burden of Guilt", by Hannah Vogt, (book excerpt) -- Entry 42 -- Oct. 24, 2011

World, Brave New -- Aldous Huxley -- quoted -- "The Sane Society" -- Entry 11 -- October 14, 2011

World, I'd Love to Change the (song) -- Ten Years After -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 2011

World, The Triple -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

World's Heart, The [Tik'-a-do He-da'-che] (character) -- "Annikadel: The History of the Universe" -- by William Hulsey -- Entry 51 -- October 26, 2011

World's Parliament of Religions -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Wu, John C. H. -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Wu, John C. H. -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Wu, John C. H. -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

X-Box Kinect -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Xenophanes -- "The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy -- Entry 53 -- October 26, 2011

Xerxes -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Yama, The World of -- The Glossary of Buddhist terms -- Entry 26 -- October 18, 2011

Yashts (sacred scriptures) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Yasna (sacred scriptures) -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Yaweh -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Yeats, William Butler -- "Cuchulain's Fight With the Sea" (as a source) -- Entry 17 -- October 17, 2011

Yeravda Jail -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Yeravda Mandir, From -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Yodsnukis, John -- Open-Sourcers -- Paul Solman report -- Entry 28 -- October 18, 2011

Yoga -- "Man is a Machine" --"The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" -- P. D. Ouspensky -- Entry 63 -- November 7, 2011

You are That -- Tat Tvam Asi ("Thou Art That!") -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

you are the remote -- in electronics -- David Pogue -- New York Times Techie -- Entry 35 -- October 19, 2011

Young India (publication) -- "The Essential Gandhi: His Life, Work, and Ideas" -- Entry 27 -- October 18, 2011

Youth (topic) -- from the "Dictionary of Proverbs" -- Entry 60 -- October 28, 2011

Yudhishthira -- Paper on Hinduism -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- The Mother of Religions -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Yutang, Lin -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #1 -- Entry 16 -- October 17, 2011

Yutang, Lin -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #2 -- Entry 87 -- November 30, 2011

Yutang, Lin -- after Lao Tzu -- Tao teh Ching #3 -- Entry 88 -- November 30, 2011

Zac Hobson (character) -- The Quiet Earth (soliloquy) -- Geoff Murphy -- Entry 2 -- October 12, 2011

Zappa, Frank -- "Trouble Coming …" -- Songs for Economic Free-Fall -- Entry 37 -- October 20, 201

Zarathustra -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Zarathustra's creed -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Zay Jeffries -- "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns" (book) by Robert Jungk -- Entry 43 -- October 24, 2011

Zendavesta (sacred scriptures)  -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Zoroaster [Zarathustra] -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Zoroastrianism -- the Parsi -- "The Religion Which Might Have Been Ours" -- Entry 54 -- October 26, 2011

Zoroastrians -- Response to Welcome -- Swami Vivekananda -- Unity in Belief -- Entry 56 -- October 26, 2011

Zweig, Stefan --  Stefan Zweig  Presents the Living Thoughts of Tolstoy (book) -- Leo Tolstoy -- "My Confession" -- Entry 57 -- October 26, 2011HoH

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