Wednesday, October 19, 2011

32. "TWENTY-FIVE STARTING POSITIONS FOR AGREEMENT" (Some Conclusions linked to 3 recent Posts)

These Synthetic Results
based on some
recently blogged
Scientific Assumptions --
they are
for those
who have read
the following
blog entries:

#29. "Mathematics:
     Dreams and Nightmares",



#31. "To Live
     is to Suffer".

The following
are statements
can be considered
based on
the information
in these 3
most recent blog entries
(#29, #30, and #31,
listed above).

1. Belief in the Accuracy of Mathematics is clearly a MATTER OF FAITH, based on the PROOF-LESS state of its very foundations, in terms of demonstrable Logic.

2. Accepted "Axioms" underlie all of Mathematics; Skeptics are prevented from entering the lofty realms of abstract Mathematics because of these very MATTERS OF FAITH which must be accepted to facilitate travel therein.

3. Unlike "most" objects in the Observable Universe, certain REAL objects within Space-Time -- objects called the "incommensurables" (such as the ever-abbreviated concept of "pi" in geometry) -- are NOT  capable of expression as a finite number sequence  or even as the expression of a known relationship between finite numbers.

4. "Irrational Numbers" have not been satisfactorily defined by Mathematicians.

5.  "Rational Numbers" too have not been satisfactorily defined by Mathematicians.

6. "Chaos" or "Randomness" has never received an INTRINSIC definition from Mathematicians, only an OPERATIONAL DEFINITION (such as: "randomness is unbeatable", a belief useful for PROFITABLE BUSINESSES, such as the Gambling Industry and the Insurance Industry.

7. Likewise, "Probability" has never received an INTRINSIC definition from Mathematicians, only an OPERATIONAL DEFINITION.

8. Geometry shares the Bastard Status of Mathematics, but goes on to utilize points so small and immaterial that they have been ridiculed as the "Ghosts of Departed Quantities" (by Berkeley).

9. Even at Cambridge and other institutions of Higher Learning, Mathematics has often been taught "badly" and for reasons of "technical wizardry" alone, as if it amounted to nothing more than a series of "clever tricks" based on a sort of "logic" that, under careful scrutiny, sometimes insults the intelligence.

10. Before abandoning Mathematics for a less mythological subject (Philosophy) Bertrand Russell went "on record" with a statement he thought was as true as the light shining across the heavens to the earth -- he declared that Euclid's geometry would find space "flat", and not warped differently in one area than in another.  He was proven conclusively wrong on that topic a short time later, when Einstein's work with Relativity showed that the fabric of Space-Time is warped and stretched proportionately by the massive objects (such as galaxies, stars, and planets) within it.

11. "Space-Time" appears to require us (at this "point" in "time") to approach it using Non-Euclidian Geometry.

12. The Quantum Universe is rational, but not visualizable.  Even Einstein's Relativity had pushed us far beyond the realm of the visualizable, in areas such as the "overlapping" warping(s) of so-called "empty" space BETWEEN two massive objects, such as a planet and its moon.

13.  The Quantum Universe is detectable only through complex instrumentation -- it is revealed to the mind through the objects of thought, and not through our sense perceptions.

14. Mystics and Scientist appear to agree that the Objects of Thought are MORE "REAL" SOMEHOW than the objects apprehended by our senses.

15. "Reality" as we perceive it involves a mirror reflection of Quantum Waves forward and backward ("simultaneously") in Time to allow us the near-endless opportunities to choose between Possible Future Worlds.

16. Our "selves" are complex conjugations of "decisive" quantum "events", echoed to the Source instantly, and leaving a trail in Space-Time for all Out-of-Time Observers to Witness.

17.  Even by simply looking towards the Universe, beholding it, and Observing it, we are continually CHANGING the Universe, and helping to "create" the History of it, as it expands into each new virtual opportunity.

18.  By seeing ourselves IN A REFLECTION, we are free to change ourselves.

19.  By sensing ourselves IN EACH OTHER, we are destined to change each other.

20. We stare at the vastness of Creation dumbfounded, in a state of shock -- but without us to WITNESS these moments, the Universe itself would be "blind" to its own reflection in Space-Time (formed by combinations of Matter/Energy, and governed by Laws of Physics, such as "E" [Energy]is equal to the "M" [the Mass] times "C" -- the speed of light, that is, yielding a very large number which is then squared).

21. There are enough known inconsistencies and contradictions in Mathematics and Geometry for both areas of investigation to be known as "Mystical Sciences" -- not the sort to be PROVEN CONCLUSIVELY  without ARTICLES OF FAITH which first must be accepted without PROOF.

22.  All forms of "logic" which require the action of RANDOM PROCESSES or CHANCE EVENTS are not capable at this time of definitive PROOF.

23.  Even in the absence of Facts and Truth, the Human Mind will hunger to weave some kind of "meaning" from the perceived environment and the inscrutable motions of "Fate" or "Destiny".

24.  Some believe that "God" knows EVERYTHING all at the same time, and that He does not "play dice" or "gamble" with the Fate of the Universe.  Others believe that "God" has NO OTHER OPTION BUT TO THROW THE DICE, and that HE can't always even see the result.

25.  "Determinism" as a guiding principle for the Physical Cosmos has been discredited, along with the stubborn old notions of a Clockwork Universe; the "Randomness" we thought we "perceived" in what passes for "Chaos" here (until we learn more), and the attendant notion of "Probability" have been shoved aside by even more stubborn "fact-like" observations, and Mathematical "Proofs" of several varieties have been exposed as Products of Complacent and Unquestioning minds.


With these 25

Many more places of AGREEMENT
can likewise be derived
from these 3
recently blogged documents.

I hope you will ADD
to our findings at your leisure!

Peace to you!

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