Friday, October 14, 2011

7. "Corner Stone", a song by Bob Marley

"Corner Stone"
(-- a song
Bob Marley)

The Stone
that the Builder refused
will always be
the head cornerstone.

The Stone
that the Builder refused
will always be
the head cornerstone.

a Builder,

Here I am
a Stone.

Don't you pick
and refuse me --
'cause the things
people refuse
are the things
they should use!

Do you hear me?
Hear what I say!

The Stone
that the Builder refused
will always be
the head cornerstone.

The Stone
that the Builder refused
will always be
the head cornerstone!

I can be
soft as a pillow,
like a willow,
and bring happiness!

Don't refuse me.
Don't you refuse!
Don't -- don't --
don't you refuse!


[Find the video at: ]

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